
To be fair; wasn’t it also Mr. Tracy who drove like 6 hours to buy a Jeep, and ended up fixing it for the owner and not buying it afterall?

They need to bring back the factory clinometer.

We found the local NAPA that knows how to measure a part and find a replacement. They also let us go behind the counter to find the thing we need. There’s no reason to special order a v-belt from the UK when you can find something at the local parts store with a modicum of effort.

the worst is my mother. I’ve gotten in the habit of making sure I have some cash in my pocket so I can provide a follow up tip to her meager leave. I also do this because she always complains about her food not being what she ordered or not to her liking even though it is exactly what she ordered. It’s embarrassing;

Now playing

Yeah, I keep most of their stuff in my rotation...

Now playing

Their rendition of “Seven Nation Army” is mindblowing.

one of my joys in grown up life is the occasional meal out on the corporate card when I always go 20% or more.

This is an awful lot like training an elephant to dance the ballet. As it pirouettes and jetes around the stage you are flabbergasted by its elephantine grace and the ponderous way it sails through the air. Never mind that it is an elephant. It is dancing.

I desperately hope we will also soon be watching Michigan State and Team USA admins face the women and girls who they failed to protect. The scale of of the damage they’ve done - and that of the ensuing coverup - is mind boggling. So many failures. So much cowardice. So many young lives needlessly ruined, or at least

When I was in HS a friend of mine had a late ‘80s Monte Carlo SS. I didn’t know too much about cars at the time but I knew that car was rad.

I live in Pennsylvania. When I wanted to volunteer at my kids’ schools, I had to take a three hour mandatory training on spotting grooming, sexual abuse, and what to do if you even think its happening.