Should have picked Tom James......
Should have picked Tom James......
“If you were the inventor of airport theaters, you would have invented airport theaters.”
Since you only have the idea, and not the implementation, you should prepare yourself to get Winklevossed.
They should only play airplane disaster movies. It’s the flying equivalent of telling an actor to break a leg!
Daniel: So let’s pretend you’re Hitler: If I’m friends with you... Chad: Let’s not pretend I’m Hitler.
I work in higher ed. The folks assisting with the President’s email are absolutely supposed to follow up on an email like that if the institutional culture isn’t terrible. Why? First off, you want to do right by your students. But even if that isn’t enough, you follow up because otherwise it can turn into a dumpster…
An administrative assistant doesn’t decide policy about filtering messages. If stuff doesn’t get to the boss, it’s because the boss doesn’t want that kind of message.
Uhh, I’m pretty sure the president of a fairly large and significant university has an administrative staff, some of whom would have access to his e-mail for the sole purpose of screening the messages that come in. Pretty sure that person would click the little red flag next to “I Was Raped At Baylor”
Bravo to KWTX!
White people can and have (in the distant past) head the NAACP. It would be discriminatory to base the position on her skin color.
What would a vetting process actually look like?
(I have no personal or familial connection to UNC; the only family connection to southern schools is that my cousin went to Wake and my dad did a semester at Vanderbilt.)
As an NC State alumnus I get a lot of enjoyment out of this case, but my favorite detail by far is that Jan Boxill was their Center for Ethics director. How much sweeter irony can there be?
People trying not to make it too obvious that they are secretly filming you.
i'm sure i'm not the only ohio state fan who watched this with the fear of god, praying this was not video of me from monday night at my local bww's.
I don't know that i'd be too happy if I lived in the South either. College football was literally the only thing they had to brag about.
My favorite part is: year in year out, SEC fan boys always bash on OHIO STATE's record against 'them' in National Title games. Now, not only did the SEC not win the first Playoff Championship, they didn't have a representative in the game.
Meyer is a better coach than Saban.