Displaying a Confederate flag on your desk should be instantly disqualifying, especially when you represent a state that fought for the Union. Iowa, y’all deserve better than this.
Displaying a Confederate flag on your desk should be instantly disqualifying, especially when you represent a state that fought for the Union. Iowa, y’all deserve better than this.
I’m starting to think Dr. Luke isn’t a real doctor.
I can literally look up every single Google voice search I have ever done and have my own voice played back to me so.... no.
I was able to translate the tattoo:
“...any number of different ways, and microwaves that turn into cameras, et cetera,” Conway said. “We know that this is just a fact of modern life.
Well, when my sister’s marriage was circling the drain and she and her husband were still in deep denial, they decided to have another baby. One nasty divorce later and she’s wishing they weren’t quite so “bonded.” So... there are things more permanent than a tattoo, just sayin.
It’s spelled “wanker”
Sometimes it’s OK to not like someone because they suck and make terrible music. Nobody is accusing him of being a horrible person. But they don’t have to pretend he doesn’t suck either.
In NYC the organizers used to say “It’s a March, we’ll have a parade when we’ve won”
New York values!!!
Jesus Christ. How worthless of a human being do you have to be to want to steal someone else’s hard earned property and then when you are too inept to use it yourself you have to kill an innocent person?
Nothing, but I certainly have something against dudes that say shit like this: “”Sweden is the Saudi Arabia of feminism.” and “I fell into a hornets’ nest of revolutionary feminism.”
I’m a firm believer in looking at the company someone keeps and any list that includes Tommy Lee and Kid Rock is not one I want to be on...
“Innocent until proven guilty”, however refuses to actually stand on trial to be proven anything.
I can see the similarities and I don’t want to be a dick to anyone who is confused... but yeah. I can’t imagine seeing pics of both of them and not being sure who was who. They are not twins!
It’s def. India. I actually think she doesn’t look that much like Gigi Hadid. They have very different eyes.
I’ve watched this cycle, and India was the clear winner all along. It may seem like a safe choice, but it’s the one that makes more sense. I think India is actually waaaaay prettier than Gigi Hadid and is also super charming, grounded and versatile. I’ve never understood all the hype about Gigi and her overly arched…
Nope, that’s India.