
This is weird. While I feel John here, I’m kind of #TeamSam for reasons he doesn’t express at all. It’s not that racism isn’t a problem in other western countries or that Jackson is necessarily right about his way-oversimplified opinion on interracial dating in the UK, but casting Black British actors is a bit of a

Also, sushi grade fish is previously frozen as to kill any bacteria that might be lingering.

Actually, it’s pretty ecologically sound, so there’s that to consider. Not as good as dayboat fish caught near you, but second-best, both in ecological soundness and taste. And if you live in many coastal regions, almost all of the good fish is NOT on the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Sustainable Fish List.....

Most seafood sold in the US is previously frozen.

Yeah, for one thing, you don’t string a bow with a bungee cord.

Well a swamp provides ecological benefits and has a reason to exist.


It was the Harajuku girls that did it for me. I love No Doubt.

Gwen Stefani has made Gwen Stefan unappealing. I say this as who someone used to like her, but can’t stand to watch her now.

LOLOLOLOL to Ashley Graham being “unconventionally beautiful.” Like, yes, she is plus size, but she is perfectly hourglass and her face is perfect. I mean, I love her, I think she really tries to be a great role model and is succeeding at it, but the idea that her beauty is unconventional is laughable. Perhaps,

I expect this from a defense attorney with no other real options. The judge should be ashamed for allowing it.

Usually I’ll defend a defense attorney by saying that everyone has the right to a defense, and while true, this attorney is an utter piece of shit and sounds like a hateful, misogynist himself.

YES. This all day. You can’t “lengthen” muscles, or “lift light just to tone,” any more than you can spot-reduce fat in one area (unless you get lipo). I’m so sick of that shit. Also Tracy Anderson has said some fairly horrible shit: “No woman should ever lift more than 3 lbs.” Fuck off, Anderson.

Can we talk about the Tracy Anderson Method, though? I am glad that this makes Tracee feel great and empowered but actually the idea of developing tiny muscles and a phobia of looking (and being) actually strong by lifting heavy things is bulllllshhiiiiit. First, embracing strength is super and empowering, and so it

Don’t forget waist trainers, lace fronts and lyft codes.


“Anthony says she’s often whispered about in bars”

There’s nothing sad or questionable about it. If you’re young and have that body and confidence, it’s kind of perfect to wear something loud and bold and aggressive.

She’s talking about her ass, which black women have been mocked and degraded for having, for decades. We have been hyper sexualized as CHILDREN because of it. It was a mark of such embarrassment for many of us growing up, and I absolutely include myself in that. I was overly concerned with the way my butt moved too