Ossetia von Azerbaijan

What a thoughtful, excellently written letter by Ismael El Iraki. Honestly, Hughes doesn’t deserve such a classy response, he just deserves a “fuck you”.

I’m going to choose to ignore the awful, ignorant things the singer from EODM is saying. Please folks, read the whole letter by Ismael El Iraki. It is sharp, intelligent, mournful, righteously angry, and frequently hilarious. It’s all the more fascinating since I’m guessing English isn’t his first language (either he

The only issue I can see is that Trump badly wants to woos Sanders’ supporters. Sanders wants to gain more support going into the California primary for an upset. What are the odds these two are actually going to go after each other? I’d say minimal. Instead, they’ll likely spend an hour and a half taking pot shots at

If we’re wishing (to put this in perspective, I am super cheap) I would pay $200 to see President Obama debate Donald Trump.

I wouldn’t say Sanders is a “pro” at debating. He’s been pretty lackluster in his debates against HRC, and merely repeats the same talking points. And his attempts to go negative have fallen flat. I would personally like to see Elizabeth Warren debating Donald Trump.

YOU ARE A BILLIONAIRE. If you want 10 million donated to charity just fucking do it and debate for free you despicable windbag.

The phrase “women’s health issues or something” makes me want to kick him right in his shriveled dick or something.

Make Or Something Great Again.

Just call it a bible for Dawkins-ists.

I admittedly didn’t listen to the audio. This makes me feel better. Even though “going after the scandal big-league” also sounds fucking stupid.

If only fire ants could be weaponized for just this sort of thing...

The glorification of the Confederacy in the modern U.S. is one of my biggest pet peeves. "Confederate Memorial Day," shit named after Jefferson Davis, our glorification of that coward Lee, OUR U.S. MILITARY POSTS NAMED AFTER TRAITORS annoys me to no end. You know how you honor your ancestors who fought for bad causes?

THIS! I hate it when the “well it was How Things Were” argument gets trotted out when there were large groups of people that DID know better. It's not like the idea of "not owning people" was some new or novel concept that no one had heard of. I don't know why, through all of our history, "treating people as people"

I remember that, too! It was really artfully done, and I think meant to shock us. If I recall correctly, the camera stays at litter-eye-view while we watch the family drive away from us. I think it’s meant to remind us not to romanticize the people of the past, who were incredibly wasteful and did things like dump raw

I remember dying when I saw that. Not sure how I am here now.

I remember that scene because of how it made me physically recoil.

Like acres of pizza?

I remember watching an episode of Mad Men where Don and family go on a picnic, and when they’re getting ready to leave, Betty just casually flips the blanket and leaves all the food wrappings and garbage on the grass, while Don pitches his beer cans into the bushes.

I fucking hate littering/litterers — CLEAN YOUR SHIT UP, PEOPLE!

The single most annoying thing to me about white privilege is that the default human being as constructed in the popular imagination in this country is a white person. The fully realized lives of the rest of us is so rarely seen on-screen. We really don’t exist unless we are attached to a white person (see the Magical