Ossetia von Azerbaijan

There’s a difference between paying lip service to an idea and actually doing it. It’s actually nowhere near as easy as you suggest. These types of biases (i.e., gender, race, sexuality, etc.) are quite often much more deeply rooted than our conscious minds, and if it were as easy as saying “Misogyny is wrong, and of

He’s just straight-up wonderful as Max. That show being canceled is one of the top 10 TV injustices of this century.

adam pally pro: OMG ADAM PALLY

For those of you keeping score at home:

The word “society” can die. It has no meaning at best and insidious meaning at worst.

Same. I prefer having close individual friendships, probably because I’m an introvert and big groups stress me out. I’ve never understood those women who have 8+ bridesmaids at their weddings.

I really love and value my female friendships but I’ve never successfully maintained a squad or a group of girlfriends where I am friends with all of them. I’ve always had individual friendships and the appeal of seeing groups of women who are involved in all big moments, the ones who have girls weekends and their

My brother has schizophrenia. His life has value. I could never imagine writing something like that about him. Just FYI people, stop making psycho or schizo into a slur. Stigma is a real problem and contributes to the devaluing of the lives of people who have thought disorders.

I just wanna say, as a Brit who has grown up under the NHS his whole life, my heart really aches for my many American friends who struggle with the way things are over there. I visit the states fairly frequently, and I got caught low on Asthma inhalers during a visit a few summers back. I started having really bad

I recently saw a list of terms from other countries in which something is called “American.” Here is the link and four items from that list. This story echoes the Dutch term (#13 on the list). It is indeed, “American conditions.”

100% Agree. Our most famous (White, male) American heroes owned people and treated them like animals, raped women, tried to exterminate the Native Americans, imprisoned US Citizens unjustly, assassinated other U.S. citizens clandestinely, created our own home-grown terrorist group (the KKK), etc., etc. Do I agree with

This is one of the saddest stories I’ve ever read.

I have too many beloved older friends whose passion for justice led them to take views I wouldn’t to hold that against her. If she had joined al-Qaeda or the Sendero Luminoso, I’d have disowned her.

My point is that we must take our attention off of those who lead (or who take the lead) and put it back on the movement where it belongs.

Did you see this weeks episode? The Seawards thing killed me.

Samantha Bee has just been on fire and awesome.

She just set herself up to get dragged to dust by Samantha Bee tho

Yeah; if it is true. And even if it isn’t true — this in no way delegitimises Black Lives Matter.

I dropped it about the same time you did...all the “twists” were so ridiculous that they weren’t even shocking :(

I was a huge fan of the first season, but even then, the show was starting to show cracks at the seams by the end of the season, with plot twists and characterizations that gave me whiplash by how quickly they were resolved and brushed aside, often within a single episode. This season, I barely lasted five episodes