Up in heaven, he just made Jessica Walters squeal again.
Up in heaven, he just made Jessica Walters squeal again.
In an upcoming sequel it’s revealed that Trudy and Mark Spitz form what is referred to as a “Force Nyad.”
I hear in the movie Ridley’s character believes the whole time she’s a nobody born to non-descript parents, until the end when she learns her real dad is Johnny Weismuller.
Marginalizing Daisy Ridley is totally on brand for Disney.
It’s borderline refreshing to hear a story of a major Hollywood celebrity who’s just kinda shitty to work with. Like, not quietly racist / misogynitic / homophobic / transphobic, not a secret QAnon dipshit, not flexing his status for sexual favor, not an Armie Hammer-style sex cannibal. Just a chronically late dick, us…
I’ve seen the pictures of this bridge. You aren’t making it across without an AMC product, an English Accent, and a slide whistle
At least they haven’t turned off the comments, as they seemed to preemptively do at Kotaku this week. You’d think the easier solution would just be not constantly pissing off your readers, rather than worrying about concealing that unhappiness, but I’m not a business genius like Spanfeller.
While Jeffrey Jones was very good in Beetlejuice, the absence of Glenn Shadix will be more missed, who is unable to reprise his role of Otho on account of being dead.
I listened to the episode of Pod Meets World where Strong and Friedle talk about Peck. Some impressions...
They don’t let themselves off the hook for writing letters of support. Friedle in particular refers to supporting Peck in court as his, “ever-loving shame.”
They talk a lot about experiences on set, with Peck, and…
I’m only commenting to get rid of “Show all 88 comments”.
Though I’m sure there are still some 88 comments in the grays.
“The Red Army is where?”
- Adolf Hitler (April 30, 1945)
“I’m in no way defending horrible people”
*proceeds to simp for horrible people*
I mixed up the names and it slipped by an editor. Sorry! this has been fixed.
I guess he was the White Power Ranger all along, huh.
Over 6000 layoffs in the video game industry, but how many people have been laid off in the Tech Industry altogether from 2023-present? The fact that companies can just throw their workers away while claiming record profits is ugly capitalism at its finest, but the sheer unchecked accountability for companies to…
I found the line “there was no mention of the killings” oddly touching. Like on the one hand it’s America burying the story and forgetting about it, but at the same time maybe Mollie’s legacy wasn’t just about a horrible crime committed against her family and her people. She lived a life beyond that.
The ending really caught me off guard. That was a way more creative way to summarize what happened after the primary story and really made a powerful impact.
That’s true. Jezebel was a lively alternative to the transcendent calm of never-changing Splinter. Life and death each have their virtues.
At least we can still come here to share comments/chat. Which is honestly most of the reason why I was still reading Jez after all these years :/