Cabbage Patch Mather

There needs to be more of it! So much nonsense on TV and online.... Who knows what is in store in 2017, it could be an incredible year for all of us! I know my sister voted Clinton and was super bummed, and she got an A on the exam she got back today and it turned out to be a great day for her! Really, just enjoy life

As a Republican who voted Trump, I understand where you are coming from. I was highly annoyed when Obama was elected, but had a great day the next day and an AWESOME year this year. Just focus on self-improvement, doing well in school/ at work, and no matter your political leanings, you’ll have a great year too!!! I

Its a valid option based on observation. He didnt flip flop in traditional terms but instead he completely abandoned a previous ideology and grasped a winning strategy: appeal to the most selfish of populist desires. The new variable is if he will stick to the strategy that got him to the white house or will once

Trump is Professor Quirrel and Pence is the Voldemort tumor growing out of the back of his head. The guy is a full-blown nutjob that makes Ted Cruz look reasonable. 

I am a lot more frightened of a Pence presidency than I am of a Trump presidency. Trump doesn’t know how to do any of this. Pence knows how to get laws passed.

TheRepublicans are in control now. I don’t know that we’re in a position to turn away from the few people in their party willing to be at least somewhat reasonable.

Pence is very much the reason I wish him adequate health and only the average amount of treatable inconveniences a person may experience. If I wanted theocracy, there are countries yet to choose from.

I have no doubt Trump was bullshitting the base. The problem is Pence, Ryan and the rest of the Republican elite. The nightmare isn’t Trump, it’s that they now have free reign.

Omg, yes fuck you Susan Sarandon. I hope you enjoy clinging to your ideological purity while Trump guts this country and drags us back to 1851 or whenever he believes America was great before.

Know that for every American that seems to have it in for you there is one that has your back. I have your back. I know you will have mine.

I posted this on Groupthink, but I suppose it bears repeating:

Third-party voters and the “They’re equally bad, so I just didn’t vote!” geniuses as well.

Or at least slightly over half of America. Remember how close this election was. Razor thin. I didn’t vote for him. You didn’t either. And so didn’t millions of America who are just as heartbroken as you.

Not even in the same universe. It’s actually almost funny to remember how important it felt at the time, because it was so utterly inconsequential compared to this.

Worse. There was no end of the world feeling to that election. It was just a regular Republican vs. Democrat election. The world thought we were dumb for voting Bush Jr in but they didn’t think we were evil like with Trump. The market didn’t tank. Other countries didn’t panic. All in all, it was meh, if you didn’t

Don’t forget how many Latinos are Catholic and find abortion and gay marriage apocalyptically abhorrent. California Prop 8 defining marriage as between a man and a woman happened because the proponents mobilized Latinos through churches.

After abortion access has been fucked. After gay rights are rolled back to the 90s. After 4 years of stop and frisk. After starting a land war in Syria and who the fuck knows where else. After we bomb cities full of non combatants with no warning. After we commit atrocities against Latino undocumented immigrants by

What’s wrong with globalism, though? I can understand feeling that the environmental and worker protection aspects of the TPP didn’t have a strong enough enforcement mechanism, but being against it because only Americans deserve jobs is not a great reason, in my opinion.

Nate Silver is saying that about 1/3 of Latinos voted for Trump - that is shocking. He believes it’s because Latino Americans who are born here care far less about immigration than the Dems suspect, but are more likely to work in industries like manufacturing, which Trump focuses on. But the Latino wave that was