
This is a great idea! Keep us posted!


I work in clinical research and don’t believe in a lot of “woo,” but I had this done several years ago, and it helped rebalance my joint mobility in an extreme way. It was nuts. The guy who did it worked at Canyon Ranch and was volunteering with me at a health fair. If I could afford to pay for it, I’d absolutely do

You have a point. As it stands now, Pence will be a key advisor and probably making the major decisions. Having Donnie out of the way would at least reduce the sense of empowerment and validation felt by racists and xenophobes.

I had never heard of this woman and just read her Wiki. Her daughter is an Oscar-nominated actress, and her grandsons produced/directed “American Pie” and directed/wrote “About a Boy.”

I can’t get enough of these.

That would be the best scenario, wouldn’t it? I want Trumpy to be a good president. I *don’t* want him to get frustrated/overwhelmed/bored and hand the reins over to Pence.

I’m very sorry for your loss :(

Oh my god, yes. My dad was a lifelong Democrat and a wonderful person, and I’ve thought about him a lot since Tuesday night. Part of me is glad that’s he didn’t live to see this. I’m sorry for your loss.

I’ve been trying to make a baby, too. 2016 can kiss my ass.

She looks like Rob’s dad.

My BFF is an economist and is addicted to the show. He has several episodes recorded and completely zones out while watching it.

I really really hope that Obama let loose with a bunch of political jargon and serious issues, rather than the “Explain It Like I’m Five” method that Trump is used to.

Yup. No more jetting off to St Barth’s on a whim.

She’s smart as hell but married to a white supremacist?? Did he choose that...lifestyle...after they married?

Yeah. I keep imagining what things would have been like if Hillary won. Her and Barack would have been hugging in these photos, Bill would look goofy in the photo of the current and future First Couples. Sigh.

I recently moved to Texas and joined my county Democratic party’s volunteer force today. I also wrote to my senators asking them to give Merrick Garland a hearing. One of them is Ted Cruz, and I hope he considers it out of spite for Trump.