Use it to rim a margarita, paloma, Bloody Mary, or michelada. Sprinkle it on watermelon, pineapple, apples, jicama, or cucumber. Lick a cherry lollipop, dip it in, and enjoy the sweet/tangy/spicy flavor explosion.
Use it to rim a margarita, paloma, Bloody Mary, or michelada. Sprinkle it on watermelon, pineapple, apples, jicama, or cucumber. Lick a cherry lollipop, dip it in, and enjoy the sweet/tangy/spicy flavor explosion.
My husband has worked several nights a week since I met him, and I’m pretty sure this is what keeps our relationship strong. We have time to miss each other and try to make the most of our time together.
I’m fine with the costumes and have seen Day of the Dead *appropriately* celebrated by non-Mexican people in Arizona. I’m pretty sure it’s the largest celebration of its kind in the country, and most people dress up. My issue is that a company is branding it as “scary.”
Day of the Dead is very respectfully celebrated by all sorts of people, including many non-Mexicans, during a large celebration in Tucson, Arizona. My problem is with Nestle branding it as “scary.”
Haha, thanks! I’m doing just that :)
I play the violin and am amused by what passes as violin playin in well-funded feature films, but I’ve never been angered by it. If this is a false equivalence, I’m open to learning that I’m wrong.
Rihanna is BFFs with Katy Perry. the plot thickens.
Thank you and congratulations on your babies :) My husband works long and sometimes overnight shifts, which makes timing difficult. I’ve heard about SMEP but am not sure we could do it. Our new plan is to hit every other day between cycle days 10-20 to see if that does the trick.
I’ll take a nose job and some laser skin magic stuff, please!
Thank you!!! I appreciate the support, and congrats on the successful sex haha
I’m sorry for your loss and that you had to be in that awful situation. Ugh.
Thank you for be compliment and the words of encouragement!
Thank you. I know six months isn’t long, and I felt a little silly complaining about it. I’m glad you were eventually successful!
Oh my goodness. I am SO sorry! I hope you get your baby soon :)
Thank you so much! I know six months isn’t very long and definitely not abnormal, but it’s been a harsh reality check. I’m glad your year of trying paid off! :)
I’m sorry you tried for so long, and congratulations on getting your second :) I know six months is *nothing* compared to other couples, but thank you for your kind words.
Thank you :)
Thank you! I don’t talk about my frustration with anyone, much less strangers, so I appreciate the support!