
Yeah it may not be literally all men but it is figuratively all men. All creed, class, nationality, political&philosophical leanings throughout the world and throughout history. When it comes to the ladeez, all is fair game.

You are very weird..............

“But (imo) there is no justification for ignoring potential machine suffering for the sake of entertainment or profit.”

“Suppose we physically create a biological brain identical to a specific living human’s, down to the individual neuron. I assume you’d accept that as self-aware?”

“Ultimately we can’t disprove solipsism - it could be that you are the only self-aware being that exists.”

“And we’re on the same continuum as a bacterium. Animal life gradually evolved from having extremely simplistic nerve clusters to the wonder of the human brain. Assuming you don’t consider anything with a single neuron self-aware, that would suggest that complexity is an important factor.”

“tremendous weight off my pussy”

“but it seems like self-awareness specifically has to do with the data-architecture and modeling taking place”

Yeah I’ve never been able to get my head around AI = Human consciousness thing. No matter what a robots appearance is or how sophisticated their processing power they are still machines to me with zero self awareness. I can’t conceptualise them as anything more without deliberately anthropomorphising them.

omg this is terrifying..............

“demeaning women to make yourself feel macho/desirable”

“a female dominated field to the tune of 80% women in tech?”

“a usually male dominated field were finding qualified men isn’t a problem”

Some people think it can’t because in their limited brainverse:

“However, I disagree that the biggest religions only view women as tools of men.”

“Nolan pointed out that Westerns robots in films & tv & books are largely presented as male fantasies, in which fictional characters enact what real men cannot.”

“In a moment of clarity, I kick him out.”

This. I work with a guy who actually boasts about how little he does around the house. He’s not a ‘very domestic’ person. I’m like, unless you are living out in the bushes eating bark and wiping your arse with dock leaves you are domesticated. Even hamsters try to keep their cage in order. You are just a lazy ass shat