How much are you willing to give up in a futile quest to control things that cannot be controlled? Everything?
How much are you willing to give up in a futile quest to control things that cannot be controlled? Everything?
It’s Gold, Gold = instant classy. Trump logic is the best logic. All other metals are sad and low energy.
It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away, but that’s exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns.
its like when you were little and fighting with your brothers in the car on the way to see Tarzan and your mom said she would turn the car around if you didnt stop and you didn’t believe her so you kept fighting and then she did and your life flashed before your eyes.
Another take: Rickon is a fucking idiot, who threw away the chance for Ned Stark’s only legitimate, non-magic son to rule because he didn’t know how to run serpentine.
The Ardrey Kell High School talent show: You pay for the whole seat, but you’ll only need the edge
Mine eyes have seen the glory and the coming of the Lord... *weeps*
You should become more familiar with bird law
Fred Smoot was reportedly unimpressed.
The letters shared above don’t speak to the doctor’s character or reputation. They speak to the logistical unlikeliness of the scenario as it was reported, written by people who allegedly would know. There’s a difference.
Yes. and the whole story stinks. First off all narcotics are locked up. physicians are unable to access them. If I am a doctor, and I order morphine on a patient, it has to first be processed by a pharmacist to make sure the dose is appropriate. Next the nurse has to pull it out of a computerized lock cabinet that…
Any doctors here? Because I’ve had plenty of morphine shots in my life and I’ve never been fully incapacitated by any... I would think one would lose consciousness before that could happen on morphine, in which case you wouldn’t know or remember what happened.
If Kroenke wants to know the secret to getting his players out of St. Louis as fast as possible, he should talk to Theo Epstein.