
This gets talked about a lot specifically in regards to WoW, but there is a certain...feeling that it evoked early on. I know this sounds so corny, but there was this real sense of melancholy adventure and wonder in those early days. Like I played a little Night Elf druid and I just remember running in Astranaar and

Kara was great!! The Chess Boss, The Opera boss, The caretaker dude!! *drowns in my nostalgia tears* I miss old WoW dungeons/raids.

Geralt x Yenn 5-eva! I never played the other 2 games and just knew some of the background. Yenn was a much more compelling character than Triss in this game. Also A+ to the Eredin statue - he will lord over all the Disney vinyl figurines I own.

Look around your house, what do you own that cost $20.00 that is seemingly worthless. What about that takeout? Or any figurines that may just end up in a closet to make room for more. Or that 60.00 game that you bought that you played four hours of and then stopped because it was boring/bad/or just your cup of tea.

If the OP had logged in once as a preferred(free but had at least subbed once) they added a credit cap. It goes into like an escrow account. You can get it back once you 1. Sub 2. Pay extra money to get this escrow token to get your money back. It's the biggest scam. It's not a great game to play free. Might as well

I don’t mind the choreographed fights. And I really love healing. So I still have fun with it on occasion. My issue with GW2(and this may have changed as I have not done any of the dungeons in quite awhile) was the zerg, die, run back. It was chaos and I never felt that there was any sense of improvement. WoW and The

Blackface is associated with years of systemic racism and oppression meant to mock and disparage an entire group of people who were already deeply disenfranchised. Whiteface is not. Don’t do blackface. Just don’t. Don’t do brown face, yellow face etc. either. You know it’s Sailor Moon because of the sailor outfit and

Er he’s saying that that the annoyance, frustration, stress, anxiety dealing with internet criticism on it’s own is tough enough. Now with the cancer it’s just not worth it. He says he would rather spend his remaining years free of the stress and anxiety engaging with the internet brings. can’t blame him. cancer

Everything after Las Vegas was a disaster. I loved Seattle and New Orleans, David's song "COME ON BE MY BABY TONIGHT". #1 Summer Jam!

Um...that's why you have civil law and insurance. It's to take punitive action against people that were negligent. An attorney will pick up his case for free — his fees come off a settlement. Insurance would have protected her from this. Now it won't. Likely her wages will be garnished and she'll have to pay out of

She was cited already under state law and may lose her license. It was an accident. She wasn't intoxicated. He didn't die. What else is there to do? Throw her in jail for...accidentally hitting the gas pedal and not the brake? Now him pressing a civil suit...that's a different story.

Nick Valentine is number one soley for his hilarious reactions to the Mysterious Stranger perk.

So ... like the majority of American college graduates?

To be fair - Anders was creepy as all get out. The most insane and unhealthy romance I’ve ever played through. He emotionally blackmails you into building a bomb but refuses to tell you what you're doing when you ask. Also he like moves in pretty much after you have sex. It's like whoah there, get the f out. I went

Very true. I think it's a tough decision and one where there isn't really a right or wrong. My personal thoughts: The thing with monsters - as we've seen in the game - it's not always true that they kill. Some do. Some don't. So you're chaining them(the demons you don't know the origin of) to a life they don't want.

But the sad and trapped demon dog/cat? My friend let her keep it and I let her — what I felt — die. To give her soul some rest. To give her story an end - as the dog says. I didn't think the other option was monstrous but I thought it wasn't right to trap these beings there and by extension Iris so they could just

I think they do. I remember a law coming down stating that renderings were illegal —people were using like 3d computer animated renderings — BUT the judge said something like “It was too difficult to differentiate” and the person making them was passing them off as if they were actual photographs. Also ick. That was

Yaoi isn’t all porn. Actually it’s mostly just blushy guys hugging and being uber romantic. It just means boy love and it encompasses everything from just really sweet crushes to explicit sex. They do have porn - obvs - but like it’s usually classified as yaoi porn and it's unlikely they will show actual porn just

This. I get that the article was meant to be tongue-in-cheek and I laughed at the edit, but there really is no silver-lining here. Those signs are merely a reminder that sexual assault is far too common on college campus'. A reminder that the men who live there devalue women in general. And it's being celebrated

For me. There wasn't. There were certainly other excellent points — I really enjoyed the Skellige questline — but this quest was one of the best written video game quests I've ever played. Usually, I'm not one for the hype, but in this case most people were right to be applauding it. CD Projekt managed to make me