Orvilla Bedinbacher

I really want Bonnie to be able to bring Enzo back with his blood. They escape off to Europe. Start a band and live on the country side. The only time she will think of anyone in Mystic Falls will be when she eats pancakes or drinks whisky.
However, I believe they are doing a sacrifice setup which just blows. If this


What a horrific thought

Double Ditto

I'm right there with you guys. I will bring the liquors for this cheers and the glasses we will break.

This is how it has been for Bonnie for 8 seasons. This is nothing new. At least this time it actually comes from a character who truly loves Bonnie. How many times have we heard Damon, Elena, Stefan, Caroline, and Jeremy ask Bonnie Bennett to put aside her feelings for the greater good of her crew. Can it at least be

Also, the town got back to normal real quick after the lockdown. I'm still mystified by that turn of events.

Stefan's character is just so sad at this point. I really don't understand his motivations AT ALL.

I'm right there with you. Bonnie is the only person on this show who truly deserves happiness. It is interesting to me that all of the characters except for Bonnie seem to be a pale comparison of their former selves. You would think during the last season the writers would bring the heat but no. It's the heretics all

Amy S. really doesn't do anything for me. She doesn't offer me any revelations. Her comedy doesn't really need a second viewing but that's just me. Obviously, AV is ALL about Amy. I'm sure there are some brown noses from this article…jeez

Pretty Sweet is EVERYTHANG!

Didn't know I could love Thundercat more. Buying a Roger record for someone and a Hammer doll. Yikes! Swoon.


Love this record

Hands down the best comment ever!



This comment is awesome. If only Scandal had a Chuck Bass.

I agree with you completely! Enzo has amazing range and is finally getting a story that actually works. Bonnie is the only character on this show who truly deserves a bit of happiness and the writers never let her get her true comeuppance. What are the writers trying to say with that matter?

You are so right!!!! I miss that Bonnie too!