Orvilla Bedinbacher

Exactly. More time with Bonnie and Enzo developing their relationship could be great for some viewers in order for them to care about their pairing. I think the writers as of late choose to spend more time on things that don't matter and less time on the things that do.

Your logic is too much like right! Obviously, the writers don't subscribe to it.

She actually flirted a lot with Enzo. They had that 'thing' or whatever you want to call it during his weird affection for Momma Heretic. Anyway, it is all so effing absurd

Right on!

I like Bonnie and Enzo. It actually makes sense. They have great chemistry. Not all relationships have to be built on anguish, dishonesty, and love\hate feelings. It seems a little disturbing that getting to know each other, sharing attraction, letting tension build, and being respectful to one another is

too funny.

This episode had a surprising twist. I kept waiting for Lucious to get trash can angry and it never happened. The torch was handed to Jamal at the very end. The second slap ignited the trash can spark.

Lunatics like the ones at Vampire Diaries. I swear these writers don't recall their own mythology!

This had me laughing for days! Really, 'she never made a bad investment'? Too much. How much was her initial investment? Such bologna. Also, all her medical abilities. Guess she just went to youtube like the liars. Unbelievable.

IKR?!! It's a damn shame how it treated the characters that were created. It literally lost its soul. I never understood how good tv shows who actually have the ability to know they will have a final season completely fail in the attempt. I can definitely say I was not 'true to the end'.

Why is it people always accidentally get something up their anus?

Peter is just such an oppressed sad sack. I wish his character would grow a pair or borrow some.

Agreed. Episode 4 is amazing. Episode 5 was frustrating. It was too predictable and everyone made idiotic decisions except Laura.

too funny!

Unfortunately, we natives are being squeezed out. Thanks Karl Dean!

They do and it's obnoxious. As a Nashville native, it is irritating. I wish the show would die so some of the attention to this city can end.

Truly, my prayers have been answered or my transcendental meditations.

It makes you wonder if they were playing a practical joke. It was amazing to me that they spent so much time with secondary characters instead of the main characters. Why should we care about the Rev, Lettie Mae, Willa, Violet, and those other skanks? I would've preferred another damn season with werepanthers instead


It's getting harder and harder for me to continue to watch it. All the Shakesperean family talk is just played and tired. I keep hoping that they will figure out something knew to do with these characters but it seems like they are destined to repeat the same ole over and over again.