Orvilla Bedinbacher

In the book, all those of color were sent to the Midwest. So, I only assume that Luke wasn't but I don't remember. I do love the choice of making him black and having a biracial child. It is thought provoking in this world they are creating.

I've never seen the movie. How is it?

yes, I do!

so true!

I get you but it still is ridiculous that there wasn't a scene with the two siblings together.

The Bonnie love is real. Now, we could be assholes but that's subjective.
Bonnie's character becomes more realized in Season 3 but I dug her from the beginning. Season 4 is a die hard season for Bon Bon. She truly comes into her own and is a nice break from all the cure bizness.

Haha, yeah what was her name? Too funny

It has been real Gia. <3

Poor Bon Bon always saving these people who never give her the praise she truly deserves. Ugh

We did it guys. We made it to the end. The past 3 years I just hoped that VD would get back to the reason I fell in love with it. I've always called this show VD. It has always seemed like the right description.

and he is just so easy to look at. My goodness



The Dear Diary ish annoyed me. I get the nostalgia but it pulled me away from the moments. It seemed very childish. They could've just had them talking without saying "Dear Diary".

Remember when we all liked Alaric?

I do love where they have taken Marcel

I catch up on it during the summer. I do love Klaus and Elijah but that's about it. Once Rebekah left it just seemed repetitive.

Your thoughts and my thoughts were in sync. I never understood why they wouldn't just tie Vicki up or lock her up in the meat locker at the grill. Something, anything else besides just letting her ring the bell.

Haha, maybe you are over thinking. I'm right there with you! It is pretty sucky thinking that Bonnie puts her life on hold for her 'forever' with Enzo. It also will be weird if she has a family with someone only to have her afterlife be with someone else. Unless they did some crazy monkey wrench and had her live her…

I felt the same way about Stefan once Bonnie gave him the cure. I thought surely 'hero hair' is going to sacrifice himself for Delena. I mean what else does he have to live for…Caroline. Ha