Orvilla Bedinbacher

Ha! I wish people would candy in my car so I could look like a pig. I need some Laffy Taffy RIGHT NOW.


I agree. I think this episode brought a lot more dimension to Andre and Rhonda. It seems as if Rhonda is truly down for Andre but she needs some respect. Basically, the scheme Andre pulled put Rhonda down in the gutter with 'Geriatric Now I Can See the World'. Surely, that would eff with her mind. That's not queen

and why us black folk always gotta have a white party? i've always wondered what was up with that. i blame puff daddy diddy diddly dee

…or maybe he just didn't want his son to be gay.

Aww, comparing Baby Wipes to Joffrey is deep.

Every time I watch this show, I pick a moment where Lucious Lyon gets TRASHCAN ANGRY. So, angry that he wants to put someone in a trashcan.

I was so glad when he was gone. Diego was truly boring.

I would like to experience that methodical brain at work. I'm interested in knowing what Kubrick was truly wanting to convey during those scenes. The entire movie is filled with lots of hidden messages. It's slow and not much action takes place but I truly enjoy that film

Season 5 seriously was the worst!

Alaric went to Jared's!

Totally agree about magical babies. Boring. Let's watch the Original Sabrina Teenage Witch. Ugh

I never understood the hate for Bonnie.

Eyes Wide Shut- Ritual Scene
Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me- The Red Room
Heathers- All the funeral scenes

unsanitized comedy of errors. ha!

I pray to the Patron Saint of White Hats that we don't have to see her tits.

That is so good!

Umm, Monique is fat but with a 'PH'!

Haha, exactly!

Oh man, he just kept starring at his hands in disbelief! Love Adam Scott for that…classic