Orvilla Bedinbacher

Obviously, Empire Records take place in a world without Maury Povich.

go go Power Rangers!

Right on…The Harvest Festival! That totally works.

I'm so thankful that I will not have to see Jer Jer's hairstyle anymore. Oh, why haven't we seen a big party or gala this season. Hmm, that's got to be on the horizon soon. We need to see some masquerades Julie!

I'm blame it on the a a a alcohol


I was thinking the exact same thing. It makes no sense at all. I swear these characters started to get dementia after Season 4. They forget their own motivations in minutes. It's really laughable at this point and upsetting.

Next thing yknow she will be singin with Missy Elliot.

She also looked great during this time.

That's So Raven of her

Exactly. Her face is so pinched at the side. Sucks. The scene in the studio. Yikes.

I'm so glad you mentioned Silas. Enzo's motivations are completely lost just like Silas. Both characters were completely dynamic and just turned into fluff. It is truly amazing how the shows writers have completely forgotten the mythology of the show from season to season and now even in the same episode. Also, I'm