ortalan pot pie

This is the first month in a while that I don’t have any books I’m waiting to be released. Glad I still have a backlog as I barely recognize any of the authors on this list and am not interested in the books from the authors that I do.  Are any of the books here worth checking out?

No surprise at DoorDash being scammy.  The only account I’ve ever had hacked was DoorDash and it was an orchestrated food order in six different places around the country with an email change to hide the invoice emails.  Most likely it was an inside job as I wasn’t the only one to have this happen to them.  

I imagine some of this comes from seeing how well their shows do on DCU vs how well they do overseas on other services.  The success that Lucifer had with Netflix is probably also a big factor.  Without a huge up front investment in content, it’s hard to see how anyone could expect to have a competitive streaming

OneMillionMoms must be so disappointed about Lucifer after their “successful” three year campaign to cancel it.  No joke, I won’t link it but there is a self congratulatory post about exactly this. The petition was for Fox not to air the show in the first place.  

Moving up from plastic surgeons to royalty and world leaders is what’s fueled Trumps narcissistic break. He’s finally mingling with the class of people he believes he’s a part of and the dissonance between his dreams and the reality that he is a fraud and will never be their peer is more than he can deal with. He may

They went home to the people they left behind?  Or fell through the cracks in the plot never to be seen again.

Their army literally went up in smoke though. And considering its a mercenary army they are probably stuck paying out to the widows and families left behind. If anything, this is more of a good money after bad scenario. The Iron Bank could fund a new Golden Company to collect on their debts but they’d be facing the

Those million workers are likely to lose their jobs to automation anyway. For now they provide some political counterweight to the record profits being earned by insurance companies but as that value diminishes so will the jobs.

HBO over Prime and I got tons of banding. The horizon shots were the worst.

My Ghost theory is that there was initially a plan to include him where Bran wargs into him and later in the episode saves Jon or Dany while they are outside Winterfell. The segment didn’t work right so it got cut.

Yep. I get the “Your lying” followed by the reasons why. When my kid was learning to read I would change a word on every page when I read her stories. It made the experience more of a cooperative exercise rather than just listening.

I’ve managed to avoid the worst of this by setting myself up as the counterexample. I lie to my kid constantly and poorly. If there is an opportunity to tell a completely false anecdote, I will take it and run with it. She doesn’t trust a word I say now but she also is pretty good about telling the truth.

My freshman year roommate showered maybe three times the whole year and slept all day on a bare mattress. He would pass out with his shoes on most of the time so the days he actually took them off were unbearable. The one time I knew he took a shower was because I saw the sneakers right outside it.  

Picture quality doesn’t matter so much as input lag. Even with an Nvidia Shield on a gigabit connection to a PC with a current gen card, lag can be too much for fast reaction games like FPS’s.

I don’t think there can be an effect on the prestige seeing as this has always been going on. If anything the cost of those slots can be seen as a measure of the prestige of the degree.

Whoops, missed that. Just another example of the 0.1% pulling the ladder up from the less fortunate (in this case the 0.2%) then.

I’m shocked at the extent these parents went to to get their kids in. Is this just the cheap option for when you can’t afford to donate a building/department?

Try marketing a soft drink as “adjective” Coke and see how that works out for you.  You won’t win.

The main benefit of 4K is the HDR, not the resolution.  At the distances most people sit from the TV and the screen sizes, the resolution is barely noticeable, even less so with the compression from streaming.  Until the day that wall sized TVs are affordable, 8K will just be a toy for the rich and too limited an

If they’d taken Darnold last year he probably would have a career ending injury by now.  Eli’s lack of mobility certainly led to some extra sacks but his rubber bones and years of experience playing without any reasonable semblance of protection got him through the season.