ortalan pot pie

I played last night with 5, three of which had never played before. It was interesting to see how the rather low impact opening part of the game helped ease everyone into the mechanics so that by mid-game they mostly had it down and were developing individual strategies. Sadly, we didn’t get to finish the game because

On a project with this much hype and uncertainty I would expect that a significant percentage of the backers will not like the game. That should keep the price of the KS exclusive version down on the aftermarket. I didn’t back either and will wait and see if it lives up to its potential first.

My wife needs sleeps with a heavy duvet but will not use a top sheet. I will not give up my top sheet so it ends up being doubled on my half of the bed with a light blanket laid over that. It’s far from ideal but works most of the time.

I think it had to do with trying to avoid the foot plus height discrepancy between him and Bruno Mars by crouching down. It just looked weird and drew extra attention to Bruno Mars’s tininess.

They don’t want a wide audience yet. This is a brand new piece of tech which means the manufacturing process will have tons of kinks and inefficiencies to work out. There will be an initial demand from the same crowd that buys 980’s and by the time the holidays roll around they will have had many months of

My first restaurant job, as a busboy in high school, had me working an outdoor rush crowd with a coked up waitress who, not surprisingly, was considered an absolute nightmare to work with. The soda fountain at the bar next to my station was set up so that a half press would give you pure syrup, which I would use to

This is a month of backlog clearing for me. Hoping to make a dent in Witcher 3 and PoE. Civ: Rising Tide may distract me though and I have a Terraria campaign that I’m playing with my kid that needs to be finished up. I also have a growing stack of unplayed board games courtesy of Kickstarter and the Vine gods.

One summer while I was still in college I had a job bussing at a restaurant/steakhouse. Saturday nights were always the busiest nights and for various reasons (mainly shitty management) we would often be way understaffed. On this particular Saturday night, the manager had picked up a guy hitchhiking and had offered

That one went way too far. Didn’t bother with the light/dark packs since my kid didn’t play often enough to make it worthwhile.

Elder Sign is a little less time intensive version of Arkham Horror. It’s also more luck based and less cooperative which might be a good thing if sore loserness translates to blaming the other coop player for losing.

It is dysfunctional in its own way. The Democrats are split between liberals and centrists/center right. The right wing of the Democratic party is pretty much where the center of the Republicans were 10-15 years ago, except for some social issues. When the Republicans shift rightwards, the center right Democrats go

Public shaming involves publicizing information about private individuals. Criticizing the public records of public individuals that are deliberately seeking out the largest audience possible to tout those very same public records in hopes of taking the most highly scrutinized public office in the world is almost as

Sometimes. For a month or so after trying a new migraine med, I had movie like dreams but they were all end of the world scenarios like being in a train and seeing mushroom clouds go up all along the horizon or having an alien mothership hovering outside my apartment window destroying everything in sight. Almost every

I used to get similar dreams except at some point I would go from first person to realizing the dream is actually a movie, thinking its the greatest action movie ever, figuring out I’m actually dreaming and then waking up and being pissed that I couldn’t keep watching it.

There’s also a huge expansion to Binding of Isaac coming out on Oct. 30

Manon de Sources in French class was pretty great.

So IEM’s that are painfully loud by 80% volume probably won’t see much benefit then, right?

I was a little surprised by this too. All worlds in hardmode are gone. Thankfully my original world from 2011 that I kept in easymode as a stash house survived.

Thanks for this. Been looking for a way to move Witcher 3 off of my tiny system drive. Does using symlinks cause any issue with updates?

There is a pretty steep jump in reading level at around that stage that can make the longer novels frustrating to read. Sticking to easier, shorter books is actually beneficial because it gives time for reading comprehension and good reading habits to develop. Many kids that push themselves with longer, more difficult