
"supposedly, we can never even hope to comprehend the Christian God."

"He was speaking of using modern technology in ways that don't advance the human experience.

What a fuckin hypercrite! Wasn't it the Pope who spoke against modern tech and who said that tech made people seem to be able to do things that only God should be able to do?

He moves as shitty as the glitchy dog in Red Dead Redemption LOL

That Mercedes is hot!



Tho I'm all for educating people (especially younger people and kids) about the dangers of smoking, I dont see such ads as doing very much to turn people away from smoking.

It's actually gonna look more like this:

A sign reads: "Please place your recycleable soldiers here!"

agreed. The shitstorm is on the horizon

nice word play



What good would implimenting techniques from Section 6 be against someone who has read the handbook and already knows about them?

"I'll just say that Fake is so lucky that I'm not the type of guy who would say that the real reason for her leaving involves images of her mouth and something usually found in a guys pants that rhymes with "rock."


"LulzSec: UK hacker is no mastermind"

On the topic of the deplorable condition of health "care" which is overrun by greed: