
Definitely on the "stupidest ideas" list.

Nope! A fat ass who's jonesin' for a 12 piece bucket of KFC wont be deterred no matter how much they have to pay for gas to get there.

Rolling around in my Audi r8 waving my $100,000 razor to show everyone just how rich I am.

The razor itself only costs $25 to purchase. It's the "free" monogramming that you actually get charged hundreds of thousands of dollars for (whether you have it monogrammed or not). So, ya may aswell get the damn thing monogrammed.

Wow, you're logic is so profoundly off.

"Total recall"

this would be great for us potheads since I cant remember shit.

I want it

It's still in beta. blue background may not be there in the final build.

They should have known these well funded and powerful agencies would come down hard and fast on them. Ya can't fight the "man"

Steve tells his drones that there are ONLY two colors in the rainbow. And they believe it. And they are grateful to him for letting them experience both of them.

Steve tells his drones that there are ONLY two colors in the rainbow. And they believe it. And they are greatful to him for letting them experience both of them.


Politicians make the laws. But it's the Fat cats and big business who monetarily influence and move politicians to write and pass laws that benefit themselves (big business and the wealthy) and screw the rest of us.

Unfortunately, the politicians are the ones who influence where the military go and whom they target.

I want it

"fight corrupted politicians and their greedy fat owners"

"What could cause a malfunction of this size to affect such a major airline? Hackers again?"

The medical field is one of the most greedy, non-caring fields in existance.

WOW! Best answer. You're definitely knowledgeable in this field. Thanks for setting things in prospective.