
Reference to back to the future

Why can't we build irrigation pipelines stretching from one coast to the other to prevent this sort of thing?

Too bad they weren't also blind. Cuz then, they never would've notice the missing subtitles ...LOL

HEY!.....i LIKE the smell of porn! Whats wrong with that?

"1.21 gigawatts!"

My point exactly. They DIDNt have nukes back then and yet they STILL almost took over the world. Many nations today have nukes. So any aggression and or hostility toward another nation should be viewed as a serious potential threat.

Times and the ages may change, but men's hearts will always be the same.

Cuz Rudolf got kicked the fuck off Santa's sleigh.

LOL, good one ("Stalin didnt want to kill people.")

you judge the grammer and completely miss the point.

You've completely missed my point in mentioning Germany.

Wow, sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder. Me, I was just stating the very serious and real possibility of a future major conflict with a nation who has shown repeated aggression toward the west. Thats all. No one is demonizing China or any other nation. Regardless od whether the US instigates it or China



Careful, they'll come pick you up next.

Had you existed in the 1940's you probably would have felt the same way about anyone concerned over Germany's 'alarmingly rapid economic growth' too, huh?

I never said China was evil nor did I state that the US was an angel. Propaganda has and is still being used by all nations to make others look like the threat. My post simply highlights the very real potential for the pot to boil over and lead to an all out war in light of recent developements concerning China.

moving on to other posts

I never once said that China was evil.

Still the safest place to keep your money: Under your matress.