
They havent had the means to wage a successful war against major nations until recently. They economy is NOW growing, and with that comes more money for them to further their military, including further research into nuclear weapons, etc.

I fear the things ahead.

No, but because they have shown hostility toward one another and because China has on more than one occassion threatened war already. It's called the news. You should keep up to date with it.

China has continuously shown hostility toward the west and it is known that they are eager to gain nuclear abilities. Their economy is growing at an alarming rate while our economy basically sucks right now. They have the largest standing army on the planet while ours is spread pretty thin all over. If they ever

I have $10 in my bank account (and no direct deposit), so if they wanna hack into it and make a deposit, I REALLY appreciate it.

Something tells me that this is not as innocent as it appears. I have a feeling that China has a more insideous reason for building this thing.

Something tells me that this is not as innocent as it appears. I have a feeling that China has a more insideous reason for building this thing.

Help us to give you diabetes so we can continue asking for more donations to cure the growing problem of diabetes.....

They wont stop until they radiate some poor little lizard and create "GO-JIRRAH!" [Godzilla with Japanese accent].

Good point!

You can just buy a new iPhone for full price w/o the contract for less than $600 and then just jailbreak it for free OR just use google talk (which is free for all calls w/in the US and very cheap for international calls)

Why would anyone pay so much for a jailbroken ibone when you can just buy one regular price and jailbreak it for free?

Officer: "Have you been drinking tonight?"