

If they wanted to learn how to professionally demo a building, all they had to do is watch footage of the towers on 911.

Remember at the end of Terminator 2, when they looked off into the distance and saw a massive storm coming?

Remember at the end of Terminator 2, when they looked off into the distance and saw a massive storm coming?

Exactly. And WP7 has gotten it in MUCH less time.

Anonymous attacks in Orlando in response to Food Not Bombs group arrest.

Anyone else think LulzSec's mascott looks like the Pringles character — minus the monocle and top hat?

no thanks, you can have mine...... regardless of whatever I might have been trippin on, I was stuck in a realistic version of the movie Event Horizon for 12 hours. I couldn't sleep it off. Hell, closing my eyes didnt do any good as the horror seemed to be even worse when i did. I thought i had lost my mind forever.

Im glad you've never had a problem with it yourself. But I am not spreading misinformation.

lol. That which is not legal is always still attainable.

I agree. Fair is fair. I say nothing.

Daaaaaamn! That was dope kid! lol

Though BOTH are dangerous, there is a HUGE difference between someone losing their mind during an acid binge and someone drunk after drinking a 6 pack.

this is nice. what would be even better is if you could watch new movies with this subscription from your pc or home tv. I hate going to the theater.

It already did. It flopped yo! surprised? lol.

Because someone having a bad trip while behind the wheel on the freeway can be a VERY bad thing.

Windows 8! I can't wait!

Don't take the Jesus acid trips! They'll scare the heck outta u.

Legalizing Non-hallucinogenic (thus NON-mind altering) LSD would be a good thing for cluster headache sufferers. And it wouldn't be abused by casual LSD users since they only want the mind altering form (which should still be illegal).

Agreed. And thanks. I'll check it out.