
I'm going to copyright the word "copyright" and suit everyone who's ever "copyrighted" anything.....

Not bitter and not racist.

You'll see things differently once you or someone you love becomes a victim of some deadbeat ghetto piece of shit.

Regardless of race, if the offenders attitude is 'I do what the fuck I want" then they should immediately be shipped to some deserted island with the rest of their selfish kind.

This. I agree. The only problem is that guess who gets to pay for the housing and three square meals a day for all these offenders...... You and me (the law abiding citizens). Some justice, huh?

I agree with you 100%. Race itself really has nothing to do with the issue. But it seems like its become the "cool" thing for people to live up to their racial stereotypes and be as bad, as unrestrained, loud, wild, and as unreasonable and violent as possible. Its the popular thing to be a "thug" or a "pimp" a

When the law Executes criminals it is NOT a crime. Thats what i mean. The law should execute them. but if one of these batards steps on my property to rob, or harm my and mine, he's gonna get a one way trip to the morgue.

Not all people who've ever commited minor crimes like vandelism are completely bad. That's NOT what i'm saying.

It is their evil ATTITUDE that makes them worthy of death. They find it funny to commit crimes. They ENJOY acting like mindless, destructive, wild beasts. They act not like humans but as parasites. That ATTITUDE often leads to more escalated crimes as rape, assault and murder.

Just the other night, 5 ghetto pieces of shit (who just happened to be black) who were armed tried to pull a home invasion right accross the street from my home. My neighbor came out with a shotgun and they scattered like fuckin roaches. But later that night, those same guys car-jacked an old man a few miles away from

You're right; it's NOT always the case. But in many cases (albeit, not ALL cases) blacks and hispanics who've been arrested for crimes they've committed OFTEN resort to the "Im innocent but arrested becuz of some racist cracker cop" excuse. That is a fact. It DOES happen alot.

u ghetto?

You sir, are correct. So, when do we begin? lol

It's the attitude of these dirtbags that is the problem. They see it as funny to do bad things like robbing others and destroying property that does not belong to them (in this case the tree.

No, its not. Dirtbags like this rob, assault, rape, and even kill just for fun. If you're ever a victim of some terrible crime, ask yourself that same question. I'm sure your view would change.


And these are the same kinds of low lives who (when they get arrested for committing crimes) say that they're innocent and claim that that the cops were just harrassing them for being black.

They should lock all these ghetto, low-life muthafuckers up and gas them. These are the shit stains of our society..... Fuckin wild animals.

So, are YOU available? ;) lol

Simple: they wanna make gaming lcd screens that allow for more peripheral viewing angles for FPS games. Currently, the only way to achieve this is to have 3 sperate monitors connected you your gaming pc. And THAT blows. I look forward to this curved lcd.