
This is some seriously crazy shit

propaganda is still used today.

I wish I lived in your world...... Mine sucks

"Small and medium-sized businesses around the United States have lost hundreds of millions of dollars in recent years to such activity, known as fraudulent ACH (Automated Clearing House) transfers........Patco Construction Company, a family-owned business......"

See, THIS is how it all works:

Learn from history:

What's with chicks ALWAYS breaking our shit!

"Why must I,.... feel like that? why must I,.... chase the cat?......"

Possible dumb question: Since this is basically an hdtv with hdmi ports, will it work with an Xbox360? I mean, will the 'no split screen' feature work if connected to an Xbox?

"But clearly God never thought we'd master math."

These people are so scripturally off in their understanding Matthew 24. Furthermore, they fail to pay any attention to this part of the part in that chapter that says


Yeah, but ya know how many supposed "Christians" murder others on a daily basis! Please! Most only recite scripture then turn around and shit on it by their actions.

Here's MY idea: (so you cant copy it)

Daaaaaamn, That's fucked up!

LOL. So well written.

I'm relatively new to gaming and I've never played nor heard of ArmA therefore I asked whether it was available on a console. Anything wrong with asking questions to be better informed?Everyone at some point was a noob. So I'm sure at one point YOU didnt know anything about ArmA either. So, cut me some slack.

LOL! That must've been epic. I wish I could've been there.

THAT's exactly what I want! I'm tired of all the bullshit "popular" shooters out there. I want a game that's realistic.

I'm jealous.