
Damn those graphics look badass! What game is this and for what console?

Its harder with bots since they dont do shit.

Keep suckin my dick.

Lemme guess: It's gnna cost a gazillion, billion, trillion dollars, right?

Oooops! To all those Kinect haters out there who've been talking so much shit since day one: I'm laughing at you ......AGAIN!

Fair enough.

Not that big of a deal for me, but it does sound like a nice option to have.

Very true, but then why would the player have to keep going back and forth through time? He could just go back once, place an order for all the prefab materials needed to build the damn, then shoot forward in time to when the materials should be ready, then hire the hundreds of workers and start assembling the

Yeah, and as progress is made on that HUGE damn, you can still move that whole damn through time with you?

LOL. How can I argue with that? LOl. Good one.

My dick in your mouth. Your sound: "SLURP!"

As a matter of fact CoD owns this sorry ass game.

Hey doof. This game has missions that players complete in single player mode aswell as multiplayer. I completed the missions thus, i completed the game. You just made yourself look THAT much dumber.

touche'. but to increase the number of workers, one can just hire hundreds or thousands of workers. you wouldn't have to risk creating dangerous paradoxes to do so.

Uh, if you as the player construct something on say, Tuesday, then keep going back to construct on that day, it would NOT cause more construction to take place just cuz you go back over and over. You would still only be able to accomplish the amount of work that can take place in that one day. It wouldnt just add up

Older Xbox's used to get RRoD

Wow, that was the weakest attempt at a crack I've heard yet.

wow, ur still on that now non-existent RRoD bs? LOL. too funny. Oh, by the way, the RRoD can be easily fix yourself. It's actually a pretty minor issue to fix. Its usually either that you just have to readjust the heatsink (worst case scenerio: replace the heatsink) which can be bought online and replaced yourself.

Wait, WHAT?