
00:52 The dude goes flying into the air. Maybe he survived....... maybe he didnt.

Troll my nuts. This here was MY thread. No one's forcing any of you to comment on it. There's the door, now begone.

lol, dont know what YOU'RE talkin about, bro. But My connection is steady. Check ur ISP, not Xbox.

Captain "Sully" Sullenberg deserves one of these bad boys!

Get updated bro. You're obviously out of the loop.

Actually, no. You're wrong. I simply state how feel about a particular article and that's all. Those who reply without being unduly critical or demeaning, I treat kindly and respectfully. Those who decide to act like asses are treated as such.

mmmmm, looks like an ocean of BEER!

Exactly. I am no better than they are. Conversely, that makes them no better than I am.

nothing on the net is 100% secure. But some networks ARE more secure and/or less prone to attacks than others.

lol! Im laughin so hard at you right now cuz i know ur so mad that Im right!

Good for me cuz Xbox's network is up and running fine.... How's your's ? lol. Oh wait, I'll give you a second to go and change ur password again, and again, and again......

This is true. But SOny went and provoked hackers by talking so much shit about how their firmware was unhackable. Not only did hackers crack the firmware, they caused the shutdown of Sonys entire PSN.

Which argument?

Ps3 fans dont, so Why should I?

Besides blu-ray, how is Sony's focus any different from Xbox's?

Glad you like it. Now bugger off!

Thanks. Read the next chapter entitled "Kiss My Ass." You're gnna love it.

Nope. PSN blows and confidence in it is still not wise. They brought it on themselves, so i say fuck em.

Sony Move "Wii(wannabe)2.0"

1. This article shows that hackers are AGAIN finding another way to exploit PSN