
Get a clue. Cloning is NOT creating life. It's just taking the copied/cloned parts and putting them together to do what sperm and egg where already designed by the Creator to do. And as far as "creating" artificial organs: again: it is only a COPY of the original organ... nothing new.

Xbox + This = I can't stop jizzin my pants.

There is a HUGE difference between a designer/creator and a builder/assembler.

Thanks for agreeing.

"I'm sorry but I still cannot subscribe to the idea that if something imitates something else it is inherently inferior, if it could imitate it perfectly it would be just as good would it not? "

Love others but also teach and spread the ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE.

I find it comical that you seem to imply just when the creator chose to begin designing — as if you know how long He needed to create something from nothing — and you seem to imply that He had to do so by trial and error — by stating "the creator" had 4.55 Billion years to get it right." As if the infinitely wise and

Dont forget about Crysis 2's New York!

Jet propulsion is based off of the octopus and the helicopter off of the dragonfly. You obviously are not too educated. Come back when you become more informed.

Which one of any or mans inventions (tho amazing) are actually alive, have a central nervous system, or can reproduce on their own? There are many more ways in which animals way outclass man made things than in just physical performance. btw, its obvious that one huge fact escapes your attention: MANY man made

A+. very well said

Dat nigga looks like Dog the Bounty Hunter. Still, I got MY pre-order already in — as long as it's got multiplayer...... Good shit

The earth will one day be filled with such creations of mans making. Still, NONE will ever outclass the Creators originals


Yes, but you see, the writer's whole point and title of the article points to Wii2's timing and device specs in relation to PS3's and Xbox's as being the possible DEATH OF THE CONSOLE.

The shape looks like the packaging for Windows software (OS, MS Office, etc). Not very appealing visually and not very original.

But the article's explanation of what makes a console "a console" is it's being 'a similar device to competing devices released at nearly the same time.' Thus, the article implies that since Nintendo's Wii2 will be released some two years before it's competitors gaming machines, that the Wii2 would essentially NOT be

Regardless of how under or over-powered a GAMING MACHINE is in comparison to it's competitor's gaming machines, unless it is a PC, it is STILL a gaming CONSOLE.

Nintendo..... Bah, comical!

"That being said, we are expecting Microsoft's robust online network......"