
Ok, this was the stupidest commercial I've ever seen.

$mart move on $ony's part (Playstation $uite). P$ content on multiple platforms

@ortizlgnd4: "because caucasians are just too damn tall.' LMAO

@moldy912: lol, like i said: "420" ....

@ "4:20"am

Played the demo. Biggest gripe: Isaac runs and moves too damn slow

Looks like claymation. And when did Joker learn to fight like that?

@Andrew Wyatt: true, but you dont usually use legos to shoot people.

@Andrew Wyatt: " communicates with the world in any meaningful way. "

Wait,... This lady is more concerned with the fact that his achievements were wiped and he's labeled a cheater than the fact that her mentally handicapped under aged son is playing violent (Rated M) games that involve blowing people away with guns.....?

Played the demo. I enjoyed it. However, a few of us noticed that the targeting at times was off and I noticed a glitch where an assault rifle came flying at my head (perfectly horizontal) through the air. Other than that, the game is gonna be beast!

This actually looks pretty good graphically.

@Kirkaiya: Where do you get that my references are 30 years old, fool?

@Kirkaiya: Oh, and by the way, the term "Hell" comes from the Hebrew word "Sheol" which means the common grave.

@Kirkaiya: Read my posts, doof and you'll see where I've gotten my information. None are from anti-science sites (as you claim).

@Kirkaiya: I have a question for you: If humans and apes supposedly share a common ancestor, then who ITS ancestor? I mean infinitely back...... Whom (or what) did that supposed ancestor supposedly stem from?

@Kirkaiya: I have a question for you: If humans and apes supposedly share a common ancestor, then who ITS ancestor? I mean infinitely back...... Whom (or what) did that supposed ancestor supposedly stem from?

@Kirkaiya: dude, you're an idiot. if two species have a common ancestor by one splitting or diverging into another path, that 'split' would be where one evolved into something else.