
Fuck the new maps. Concentrate on fixing the fucking laggy ass servers first

I played it...... Meh. That's all. Not worth $60 (not even to get the gears 3 beta).

@Kirkaiya: Ha ha ha. What a fool!

@Kirkaiya: LOL ....you again? Silly monkey....

and he wonders why he's livin in his parents basement and doesn't have a girlfriend...

@Kirkaiya: Like It said: Typical evolutionist, response lacking any scientific evidence.

they still taste good as hell at 3am in the morning.... Then again, what wouldnt taste good at 3am?

Kinect.. "revolutionary"

This is not a remote control tragedy. It's a stupidity tragedy.

not bad for an online game

" Robin Hood retelling called Hood, which Reeves says is set to star Will Smith."

"avoid giving "in to the illusion of constructing an artificial public persona for oneself."

@Kirkaiya: I might add that whereas I have provided references from noted men and women in the various scientific fields — Not religious (including evolutionists) you have provided NO scientific facts to support your position. Tell me why is that? Perhaps it's because none exists. Those supposed fossils from "missing

@Kirkaiya: You are a stubborn, fool and a waste, who is simply mad because you cant argue against any of the evidence against your childish monkey man wishful thinking. I have no more time for you. The evidence (scientific evidence -not 'religious) is there. You choose to dismiss it. Now, consider yourself dismissed.

The end.

@ortizlgnd4: some of the chapters in this book: