Release the butthole cut!
Release the butthole cut!
I would just like to take a moment to say that although I’ve seen that movie, and love it, I never noticed he’s wearing swim trunks over his Joker suit and that I love it.
It sounds like the family sees Grace as nothing but a pest, but she’s really a hard target adept at surviving the game -- this most dangerous of games.
I’m down with that. And I’m not a skinny teen kid so I’d be willing to throw down if they come swinging.
Enjoy this bizarre moment in the history of superhero movies.
Your point might scan better if the person who won wasn’t also all of those things, in addition to being barely literate and a serial sexual abuser.
That’s a nice $2,000 Belstaff jacket Assange is wearing. Apparently Wikileaks pays pretty well.
As someone who lives on the Missouri-Kansas border, let me just say I am very relieved to see Alabama working so hard to take back its mantle as “The Awful State”
Clearly that was the wrong way to display PizzaGate info. You should have used a pie chart.
I grew up on the border. I remember when the Bush administration put up the fence all those years ago. I would pass by it literally every day until I moved away. I see it every time I go home. I hate that fence. I hate it so much. The idea of a border wall is infuriating to me. It creates in me an anger like little…
Personally I’m more disappointed by the Orville. I think MacFarlane has done a good job of sculpting a new galaxy, but something about it just isn’t gelling. Part of me thinks years from now we’ll discover MacFarlane was cgi all along. I’d wager the production budget is also a lot higher than Ghosted and therefore…
Soylent Green’s The Walking Dead Stray Observations: Guess Who The Newest Disgraced Celebrity Will Be (It’s Carrot Top) Edition
Nutella, Vegemite, HP Brown Sauce, Friskies Gravy Lovers Cat Food gravy— it’s all the same stuff.
Because the secret of Nutella is it’s only good in combination with other things, like crepes or peanut butter or strawberries. On its own is has this harsh, acrid taste.
New Coke, Crystal Pepsi: Meet your new sibling, New Nutella.
Boycott Nutella, it’s cashew could spend elsewhere.
LiveFyre sounds like some 90s comic book character.
Shut down
I’ll be damned if she isn’t the perfect fucking woman for that role. I love her so much!