
Yes.. i thought that was ridiculous too!!!

Totally agree with you.. I would cringe when I knew he would be in any episode after Glenn and Abraham.. I didn't watch the show for a month after the season premier, I was so upset!

YES…..And so it begins..
EXCEPT ..@MSNBC..it started with that right wing hack,,Joe Scarborough..Morning Joe..

It isn't so much that I like the episode more that I think the critique is nonsense..
I was so upset abt the premier that I couldn't even look at it again for weeks.. So I ended up binge watching the last 2 episodes..

A lot of this review is ridiculous! Sometime I feel that reviewers feel it's their job to just trash the shows! Then quite often the commentators follows suite.. like lemmings. I esp feel it's like this on a certain % of AVTV.

To the critic..Oh please! So high and mighty! Needless to say I found your critique lacking.. in all respects!

What Asians?..Definitely full of stereotypes but for some reason I'm not offended by this show. I think because all the characters are portrayed that way.. No one is spared.. hyperbole for all!!

Oh please to the reviewer! This show is funny and I don't even like sit-coms!
You know this show isn't trying to to be rocket science! Just take it for what is is..STUPID.. but funny!

Yes.. he really is hilarious!

I still like it..and.. Yes.. I know Jake is crazy but I still like him ..umm…most of the time!

Funny review…and true too!

Sometimes, when I read these reviews I wonder IF the writer/s ALWAYS feel that they HAVE TO find something to unduly criticize?
The criticism about Monty killing his mother/remorse.. being a repeat of an earlier plot line..is utterly RIDICULOUS! SO WHAT?
It is the end of the world as they know it.. so.. there can be

Totally agree, this episode wasn't bad at all IMO.. I had a knot in my stomach the entire time. Rick crumbling like that was very human. He wasn't use to being in that position..with NO apparent options left to him..

I couldn't disagree more with this reviewer.. OK, we get it you hate the show..but.. I think your review was scathingly unfair. It's like he was just looking for 'sh_t to trash!

These critics are ridiculous at times.. The 100 IS still 'GREAT, can't wait to see the next episode!'

Happy Patty is leaving the show.. Never took to their relationship.

I liked it!

Will someone please tell me.. "Is Randall dead?" I hope not. He deserves a far WORSE DEATH!!!!!

ummm. I like the B613 plot..
