
At first I thought your comments were satirical but now I know that they are just plain ignorant…

Where did Lagertha go for the months before Bjorn baby was born? She came back looking disheveled!

Didn't get the critique about Sasha.. It's like he didn't try to fill in the 'vagueness' of who she is… Does it really matter.. to me.. no! What they were before are not what they are now in some respects..
I got the feeling he just doesn't like her.. which is OK.. but felt it was a lazy critique.

One word…"SAW"!!!!!

I thought of the movie 'SAW'. I knew her cellmate was the 'man'. Loved the episode but
two mistake, her nails.. they were still pristine. Second mistake, the cellmate was freshly shaven and clean.. It was clear who he was.. Loved the veering into a different direction!

I like Astrid.. the crictism is not fair!

I agree!

Do you mean starrose 17?

Thanks, yes I vaguely remembered! I read it to fast the first time. After re-reading I sort of remembered!
Thanks much for responding!

Ok.. after re-reading I think that part was a parody of the USUAL SUSPECTS!?

The part about Storemare killing all those people in his house and hi swife before he went on a killing spree?? That's NOT what I saw. He was jailed.. hoped his daughter was alive.. after awhile, delivered to him were pieces of her body.. He broke out of jail and went on a hunt! WHAT DID I MISS?!??! I don't remember

Thanks for clearing that up..I kept rewinding saying..WTF?!

LOL… I forgive you. ;)!

What's so UNUSUAL about a man having trouble telling a woman he loves her?????????????

He still loves her! Ragnar knows that he cannot control Largetha.. So there is no point in saying how he feels, although, he is too emotionally immature to do what it takes to make her stay.
With Althelstan, it is easier to express his feeling, he feel she has the power in that relationship!

I too loved this episode! That B rating is bogus!!!!!!


I thought she said that too!

I thought she was a nun too..

This is a historical drama..with lots of creative license! Of course they can have more Lagertha!!!! They could dual story lines going, Ragnar's and Lagertha's, that not hard to imagine!