
1. I don't know if there really is an answer. (Well there is, but aren't mysteries more fun?) Probably tax reasons.
2. George W. Bush's dog paintings.
3. A nearly unending series of bar mitzvahs he can crash.

I just found out that over on the Adult Swim website they're streaming a Space Ghost: C2C marathon. It's electrifying!

I agree. Maybe it's because he does it so sparingly in interviews and seems like such an "aw, shucks" kind of guy. I remember hearing Nic Cage mention during his talk at SXSW that Lynch would say after a good take on Wild At Heart something like "That was solid gold, Nicster. Solid gold." I would never imagine someone

5. Transcendental meditation
4. Coffee
3. Weather reports
2. Taking one minute and twelve seconds to tell one joke. That's too long. Comedy is about timing, son.
1. Thinking you've seen a film on your fucking telephone.

I love Tallahassee, too. After I linked Ege Bamyası to it, I left the playlist of the album going until it looped back around to the first few songs again. (I can really listen to it in any mood, unlike some of my other much loved albums.) You haven't heard John's lo-fi Alpha stuff, though? I wasn't going to before,

Thanks. I had been on some different forums and pages where people tried to piece together a chronology, but none of them really worked for me. So I started doing this! It took way more of my time than it should have, but it was worth it, I think.

Lubricated Goat are so painfully underrated. I'm just glad people are discussing them.

Goat is a totally different band (intentional on your part? I couldn't tell), but they sound interesting. Here's a link to Tallahassee (the song and the whole album in a playlist):

ATTENTION, All Mountain Goats Fans On This Board (which should be every goddamn one of you); Orrisinsweden Has Completed A Herculean (and admittedly unnecessary) Task

Watch Cowboy Bebop. Stat. (It's very good.) I'd link you to the intro to convince you, but I can't. Just look up the intro and the beginning of the first episode, or watch the first episode. I recommend it heartily.

Definitely watch it through, it's worth it. Skip episode 22 ("Cosmic Collisions"), though. It's the only episode of the show I remember being actually awful. I really need to watch Kids On the Slope. My last anime phase (and the last time I watched Champloo) was three years ago, so I missed Kids On the Slope by a

Hey, pals! Before I get into the review here, can someone suggest where I should cross post this? "What's On Tonight" seems to be the best place, but is that too cluttered as it is? I also can't post at that time every night/morning (my schedule varies). I just desperately crave upvotes and interaction.

Here's something I wrote a little while back.

You could make whole fucking lists of great anime songs that only includes Yoko Kanno (shoutout to Waste Land, an old favorite). But if we want to go with another Watanabe show besides Bebop, I love this Nujabes/Shing02 classic:

I'll rank them, too (not including the live albums or Bush of Ghosts):

One issue I have with the remasters is that more than once Andy Zax fucking buries important instruments. Take Born Under Punches, where the remastered version silences a baseline that comes in strong on something like the Rome show, and is at least pretty audible in the old master.

Not even Nothing But Flowers? That song's a stone-cold classic, though. I think side one of Naked is surprisingly good overall. Side two is where things get really dicey.

The last two were True Stories and Naked, which certainly were two of the weaker ones. I tend to listen to my alternate tracklist of Naked instead of the actual album, which lets me go easier on it.

Does or doesn't this include the radio series?

Hopping on the album question bandwagon, what are everybody's two least favorite Talking Heads albums? Mine would probably be Little Creatures and True Stories.