
But why Duran Duran?


Just checked his twitter out. Holy motherfucking Cthulhu.

I tend to believe that, like far-out conspiracy theorists, racists make so many weird connections that no one else would make that they eventually develop a labyrinthine internal mythology that informs everything they think about certain situations.

I never saw his big apology. I never had any reason to cut him slack because the only kinds of comments I saw from him were the repeated instances of him saying that he's superior to everyone who likes movies he doesn't, and the whole "wankfest" debacle. So much for his classy exit.

Does anyone know why it took him so long to reveal himself as a sexist, racist, homophobe? People went on defending him for a while, even after he said that people who care about cartoons should kill themselves, or something.

Actually, the party planner part isn't that cringey. The weight-loss part is a shorter third segment that starts before the party planner part, and ends after it. It's about ensuring that people lose weight in a set time period by promising that if they don't, something really embarrassing will be mailed to someone

But, but, Act of Valor had real Navy Seals. Didn't you hear the marketing campaign? Maybe if they go with Johnstad's script, he'll be able to wrangle up a few active duty fish people, too!

Glad you enjoyed it! For the record, if you don't like cringe humor, when you get to the sixth episode of season two ("Daddy's Watching / Party Planner"), skip the part about weight-loss. It's one of the cringiest things I've ever seen (seriously), just a warning.

It's really worth watching the show right from the start, but I think a good season one episode (though the second season is even better so far) is "Gas Station / Caricature Artist". The first segment shows some of the hilariously convoluted lengths Fielder will go to for his comedy, and the second shows the weird

Maybe you're right. One horrible thing about depression is that it can be caused by any number of things, big or small, or it could be many things compounded on each other. However, we don't know, and maybe we never will know what caused his. It's not right to assume things, but sometimes I do as a reflex. Assumptions

That EW article made it sound like suicide. I honestly wonder if he felt he had sold out or lost his integrity, and that contributed to his depression at all.

Fuck, he actually is dead. And Night At the Museum is his last big role, too. I feel awful for him, that's a shitty way to leave the world.

(Sorry to keep responding if this is at all annoying, but) that gorilla line is really good, I don't know how it slipped my mind. I do seriously wonder how the movie would have led into stuff like the gorilla attack with no narration. What kind of deleted scene would be able to transition into that? Maybe there was

I think I heard something like that too, and I can kind of see it. Take out the narration, which I largely hate*, and add in some more surreal and absurdist moments than are already present, and you get a pretty arty stream of consciousness movie. I don't think C.K. ever intended for it to be a big studio comedy