
And worked for Orson Welles and Agnes Varda; it's kind of amazing, actually. I have no idea why he shot Pootie Tang, specifically, though.

I honestly couldn't tell you if you should watch it or not. If you like this clip, maybe you should; if not, steer clear. It's on Netflix, I believe, should you wish to check it out.

I do love the song part, as well. There are some pretty memorable gags in that movie, despite all the parts that might run overlong. Why I specifically wanted to talk about Pootie Tang is that many of it's detractors hate it to an intense degree, while some of it's supporters are way too relentlessly positive. I could

"Comedic masterpiece" are some pretty strong words, but I'd agree that it's better than it's generally considered. I pretty fervently hope that C.K. will one day decide and/or be able to put together Pootie Tang In Sine Your Pitty on the Runny Kine as he originally wanted. (Imagine if there were more bits as good as

What's people's opinion of Pootie Tang around these parts?

I was there when Captain Beefheart started up his first band.
I told him, "Don't do it that way. You'll never make a dime."

I feel like at some point I'm just going to snap and post something like this:

They didn't mention that Soderbergh was going to do Quiz Show for a bit? Invalid article!

I'll post this here, on the off-chance somebody would care to read it.

Tommy Wiseau started doing shit like this. That's what happened.

♫Putin's the boss of me now, and I'm no longer a cog in the Western Imperialist machine♫

Okay, they're swimming on a raft made of empty bottles of vodka. Happy?

One of the main jokes of the episode would be the parents yelling "You never asked our permission for this!" and then the camera showing one of the boys pulling out a water-soaked consent form from the pool as a "wah wah wah waaaaah" sound effect drones on, and we fade to commercial. Thursdays on CBS!

"It was not immediately clear how the boys planned to drain the water from their living room pool, nor whether the homeowner had consented to the bath’s construction."

Okay, I might repost this on Monday over there. If and when I do write the next part, I'll see if I can get the series on The Solute. I'm rarely all that confident in my writing, for the record.

Where would I post this at The Dissolve, though? I'd have to choose a movie for Lovefest first if I am going to do/join in on that, anyway.

Thank you. Do you know how to get the images to display in the text, by chance?

Fixed, thank you.

I'm not a great writer, so sorry if this is sloppy, too long, or generally pointless. I tried to get this as polished as I could.

Don't worry, it's not.