
Thanks! I've got a little bit of editing left to do, but I'll try to post it later today then.

Hey, I just finished writing about some shitty movie from the 90s. Would anyone actually care to read my thing if I posted it here? It's supposed to be the first entry in a series of posts, but I've only done the first one so far.

My mind rolled over the images of Crash Bandicoot and Five Years for a moment too long, and now it's stuck on the thought of Crash Bandicoot going crazy and hitting children. Help.

No, I agree. It isn't really a sad song in the typical sense, it's just that it makes me, personally, sad, and that can be more potent.

If they had used that in the trailers it would have 1) Been a brilliant marketing decision 2) Made the number of tears shed increase threefold. Get on that, Nolan!

I keep forgetting not to listen to Bowie's "Five Years," because it just makes me sad for a hour afterwards. I forgot several times, so productivity was low, but damn that song is catchy.

Yeah, I've had those three on my "to watch" list for a little while, and really should get to them. They sound great. One thing I loved about Solaris was the fact that it drove me to take 2000 words of spontaneous notes as I was watching it. For a movie a lot of people seem to think of as too slow, I was engaged the

I've honestly just started getting into his stuff recently, so I haven't seen nearly enough, but I'll try to list some off the top of my head.

I'll do an end of the month list, as well, I suppose (in the order I watched them):

Truffaut could always be more than a bit of a contrarian, so it doesn't surprise me he balked at someone as revered as Antonioni was. What do you get out of Antonioni's films? (This is an honest question, I do want to like him, but I fear he's going to be one of those guys I never quite get.)

I agree on the visuals, certainly, and I even like the theme of alienation that he deals with so often; I guess I just don't like his scripts and how he handles themes. He has vocal supporters and decriers. I don't think there's one consensus opinion on him (not like there has to be, just that his canonicity is more