
Several Malformed (?) Jokes (?) [I don't know what words or question marks mean anymore. Send help. (?)]

I've finally (once again) given up on the idea of making a dumbass outsider album, so instead I'm posting my dumbass outsider lyrics(/poems/fuck-if-I-know-s) right here. Read 'em and laugh, or read 'em and weep, or don't read 'em at all!

What's a good site to watch the new season on? I'm asking for a delinquent friend of mine.

Against my better judgement, I've recently decided to return to my music-making venture. I still refuse to learn to play instruments, but I have managed to squeeze out a song despite this. This is definitely outsider music, but I tried to spruce it up to make it more interesting/funny. However, it was a real pain in

Does anyone know where a humble Silver Jews fan can locate a copy of Berman's book Actual Air on the web? It's out-of-print and the only available copies are used ones costing $30+, so if somebody can point me towards a good PDF or something, it'd be much appreciated.

Two Great Downloadable Mix Collections

It did the same for me. Hopefully this is just a brief glitch in their website, but who knows? Maybe somebody typed "inka" or "zaun" one too many times and now the site's gone forever.

Three (More) Film Ideas (none of which exist)

"Dreams Never End", "The Him", "Ceremony", "Temptation", "Age of Consent", "Your Silent Face", "Leave Me Alone", "Lonesome Tonight" (that one gets kind of overlooked), "Love Vigilantes", "Elegia", "Face Up", "Bizarre Love Triangle", "All Day Long", "True Faith", (I can't think of representative tracks for Technique

But Who Will Unpost the Undeath of Posting?

There's a new Mountain Goats record coming out, its first single is here, and I'm… skeptical. I'm not balking at the very idea of a guitar-less Mountain Goats record, but I do wish it was incorporating more strings or horns for texture rather than more flute. (Maybe I have some weird, deep-seated grudge against

As per your suggestion, there'll be at least one more. I spent a couple hours today hammering out a script, and I did manage to complete it. Hopefully I'll be able to put it all together sometime in the next month or so. We'll see!

I'm sorry to break this to you, folks, but after months of lyrical development the official Orrisinsweden album has been cancelled without any great ceremony. (That's not a ceremony… That's a ceremony.) Normally people post on public forums like this to hold themselves to achieving a goal rather than to hold

Gotta keep the references subtle. And you've also gotta remember that mental illness is very serious, but sometimes it's also magic.

I heard that was getting good reviews so I checked its Wikipedia page and as soon as I saw Hawley's name I knew I wouldn't enjoy it. Reading deeper down the page that Hawley's going through his stoner kid "There's this band I just discovered, you probably haven't heard of them, they're called Pink Floyd" phase at age

To those whom it may concern: Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo recently posted some very politically relevant…goth lesbian cunnilingus porn (Edit: since he still hasn't deleted it, I'm starting to think he's just going to leave it—god bless him). 'TAke a look y'all', as it were: https://twitter.com/joshtpm…

Soi disantra, soi disantra.

"I Remember Me", "Trains Across the Sea", "Random Rules", "Send in the Clouds", "There Is a Place", and "The Frontier Index" are a few that are coming to mind; although I'd hesitate to say they're my absolute favorites since there are so many others. What are yours?

Silver Jews Funtime Factoid Corner

Miscellaneous Review of how the sausage gets made