
megan fox

shouldn't the vertical part of the "d" slant to the left?

If this car was blue, it's rear bumper and that model's ass would look exactly the same - wide and shiny. E-Up! indeed.

@Mad_Science: Yeah. I was really sad when the S4 Avant stopped being sold here. I felt physical pain a couple of months ago while visiting Germany seeing numerous M5 wagons that I cannot buy over here.

FYI - that last image is an art installation that was in front of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago. Here are the details:

Dodge Viper

Isn't this the exact car from the Blues Brothers chase scene vs. the Nazis?

Why not start a forum on this site for people who are considering or know of somebody considering clunking their cars, so all those willing to give them a reprieve can purchase them?

I met a Sox fan once who actually still had all his teeth. True story.

How about a 1989 Mercury Grand Marquis station wagon, with wood paneling, brown velour, and a Mustang-sourced 5.0 liter V8? The thing is sweet.

That's a weird coincidence. I saw the Weinermobile parked on a residential side street on the north side of Chicago this morning. Parked, as in no driver, parallel style, between regular, everyday vehicles. I so badly wanted to take pics of it for DOTS, but alas I was sans camera.

why white and yellow? smash these two together hard enough, and it'll look like my breakfast: runny eggs covered with ketchup.

Dammit! A good looking, reasonably priced, Porsche Panamera. This is the perfect vehicle.

save the bomb, there's no need

looks like a 2 foot blind spot on that rag top

Mustang convertible. Sure it's a V6 with a slushbox, but it beats anything else you're gonna find in the lot.

What about that Ford shit with the American Idol who was 40?

What?? Kevin Costner films are by definition the worst movies ever made. In an issue of Sound & Vision from years ago, when it was still called Stereo Review, there was a great review of a DVD player. The reviewer basically said the player was outstanding, but unfortunately suffered from the same problem as every

Tell me again why I'd choose this over a Boxster?

I thought David Cross would drive a cooler car