
@Ellomdian: I see where you are coming from. (At least. I think I do.)

@Iamsorry: I promoted this, cause I think these words need to stick around.

@davepermen: Well yes you can still benefit from 2-4 cores, but the applications are still not truely threaded. They just use 1 core for everything and then another core for Sound.

I get most of my games from Steam.

I am sure the Dual core CPU will help. But considering desktops and game still have yet to really utilize multi cores in any meaningful way... I think this phone will be similar to desktops. Great at multitasking, but about on par app for app performance.

No Lie. I totally enjoy the Ride of my Kia Spectra. What an amazing car.

@EllenRose: But that is designed to use a very small amount of energy and eventually die.

Shhhh! Be quiet Kotaku. If my friends and family hear about this I am going to be spending my entire summer hacking their PS3's for them.

Just like we have lived for years turning off wifi to save battery, and turning down brightness, and using headphones while in load places, etc..

And over here Game Companies are trying to kill used game sales...

@Vlyke615: Well if they Are attempting to rent games without actually renting them, they want to keep the cost down to the consumer as much as possible..

Never watched a full episode, but have caught bits and pieces many times. I would venture to guess I have watched enough bits and pieces to add up to a seasons worth of viewing... but I digress.

@Orionsaint: I believe it is already here and more is coming. for the past few months all the access we need for emulation and piracy has been available.

@shadowxsx: actually. What it may have been is this.

@MrFluffyThing: Nah, just some bad coffee, a few offices, and a cafeteria...

@Isetta: I knew a manager who ran the Rock n Roller coaster ... almost 10 years ago. Every morning they ran tests.

@Gilthanis: Yeah the dislike is on the high side, but I think it's only because it's a FF game.

@serialsleeper: I guess it's 2 things... 1 FF7 is considered the "Best game Ever" by many and it's been 12 years and people are still going on about it.