
My first reaction is:

Oooh Take this a step further and make all the surfaces completely flat and make the paint job and body damage flat and painted on... just like the textures in the games.

I agree, very unlikely.. but I have my fingers crossed.

I think that's kinda the point... It's how Xbox360 and PS3 work.. they loose some, or a lot of, money on the system and hope to make it back in sales of games, accessories, etc.

In my part of the world the dreamcast was a huge hit. Everyone owned one, we all had a bunch of games. It was the greatest thing ever.

I still like to, 1/2 jokingly, call the Xbox the Dreamcast 2, and the 360 the Dreamcast 3...

I agree with many of the comments below. Build your own.

I dunno if I watched the epic edition or if time slowed down, but I recall it taking me 3 hours to get through this thing... Terrible.

@forsinain42: I too am a fanboy for the news of ANY console and many games.

Playing FF13 recently, my answer is yes.

@SinisterFootwear: Also I have found through trial and error this only works if the call rang on the device in the first place.

@triggerx: Yeah, But I am the kinda guy who is very good at doing without.

Been using nothing but google voice for 10 months now. I have a cell phone, work phone, home phone, and voip on the computer.

@origosis: Ok I just saw the pic of the Honda Accord below. So this is inline with that style.

Ok. First a disclaimer. I am sure Kia copied somebody.

I always wandered if the amount of accidents stayed the same for 3 reasons.

I almost always wait for the first price drop... almost. But that may not happen until fall 2012 if this follows normal system price drop "standards"

Some games can be hyper realistic, but it's all done in the background or assumed. And other games can lend off realism to the player.

My wife loves decapitation movies. No matter how bad they are, the more fake blood the better. (Except Saw movies.)