
Things like this.. There should be a debate on whether to charge him with the value of the cards on the market, or the cost of the ink and paper.

@0300078: It's funny you say that. The straight line style and no towns worked really well for me. It could have been done different/better, but I liked it overall.

This is my preferred prank.

@Organized_Chaos: oh... and with 8 Walmart's within 10-20 minutes of me for the past 15 years I can tell you for a fact.

@Organized_Chaos: At my local super walmart they have 40 and only open 5. 4 express lanes, and 1 normal lane in the middle. well they might have 2 more open if it get's suicidally busy, but that's a big maybe.

Military Commissaries have had the single Queue for 30+ years. And the same electronic lady has been saying "Next Customer please" since I was 3. She is like my 2nd mother.

@prokill00: ah ha. I was thinking of the 1998 mustang.

It looks almost exactly like a 2000-2004 Mustang... like.. not just a little... a lot.

@TheMightyTexMex: I was saddened myself, but i laughed my butt off also. It was an excellent ending.

@pekosROB: I am actually thinking about a few large printed things I can make and legally stick in my rear window.

@pekosROB: I am actually thinking about a few large printed things I can make and legally stick in my rear window.

@xxf1xx001: You have a right to your opinion, but I disagree.

I was thinking about cycling, and i read many safety articles, laws, etc. and basically it's safer for the cyclist to take up the road, and is preferred that they take up the road to make it obvious to drivers where he/she is.

@TheMightyTexMex: I have to admit. I had my first good cry in years because of the "Real Father" episode.

@origosis: Of-topic. But interesting note.

So... I have seen that book sitting in stores for years. Seen it on High school and college reading lists. "Slaughter House 5" I always assumed 1 of 3 things were probably true about the book.

Showing a bunch of Real cars for a Racing game teaser is bad form anyways.

I am a pretty optimistic person. Most of the time.