
@Mpowered: Yeah sometimes its hard to tell if a system is working or not. I wander it myself. I had to travel through 3 security on 1 trip. I was just unlucky, that each connecting flight happened to be through different security points.

@origosis: The TSA Higher ups need to fix things. Each individual employee is probably a slave to the policy. Any minor waivering in one direction or the other probably equals a write up or being fired... Better to piss off 10,000 flyers a day, than lose your job.

Any one who has worked in most minimum wage jobs Fastfood, Call Center, Retail, etc... knows how anal some companies are about policy.

@ScubaGuy: I, of course, could Google this; But I will ask instead. Who is SNSD?

Looks like fun, wander how they planned to ad difficulty and mechanics?

@metronome49: It might work actually. Then the kids might learn from their parents sometimes... I like to think that despite all the unhealthy kids out there, there are kids who listened to their teachers and TV and are safe and healthy and correct their parents.

@MDog: I remember when my boss kept getting at me for accidently calling "Symantec Antivirus" "Norton Antivirus" I explained to him it was unimportant. I was only using the term when speaking to other techs and such. So the term I used would not matter as they always knew what I meant. (The ONLY antivirus software in

CoD: October 29, 2003

Running Win2k on most dual core machines is a TREAT!!

@StupidSimple: Too Much of anything can hurt you, I think most of us realize this.

You know how after you miss them once... They will sometimes leave a slip that let's you "pre-sign" for the package?

@jesse8: Maybe safer than Samarium, Californium, and Einsteinium.

@Emran Qadir Ismail: Yeah. The best spending tip I can offer is to just be aware of the price of the product you want compared to other stores.

@Ant06: Only jumping on the games 'I Know' I am going to get a lot out of. That's how I felt about FF13... I will be scared for years to come.

*Insert 5 games here*

You know what... as 'ok' as Kinect was.. I bet with bluetooth enabled gloves with lights on them and gyroscopes built in.. it would have been pretty damn close to minority report.

"Kaa, Kee, Koo, Keh, Koh, Naa, Nee, New, Neh, Noh, Saa, Shi, Tsu, Tse, Tso..."

LOL RPGmaker 2000 just got reposted on usenet.. guess you guys are trying your hand at your own money maker.

@Naveral: Mother4 'dot' andonuts 'dot' net