
"And not a $#&! was given that day."


Hmmmm $60 for a new game every few weeks and $50+ a year for plus and hulu.

Oh look a sports game was released.

I like it when, somehow, I never knew there was all this build up for 3-8 years for a product. And I just happened to walk into target one day and see it. and buy it. and love it to death. Not knowing 5,000,000 other people popped blood vessels waiting for the thing.

This! Is!

@Ant06: I understand. I was working at a target the year the PS2 was released. And when the 360 came out.

@origosis: Also I went to Best buy later that day after lunch. I knew for a fact all the good deals would be sold out, but I went for the fun of it.

@Ant06: Meh, you can get it from the returns cart Dec 26th.

I remember my first Blackfriday. It was almost an accident. I was driving around at 2am and saw a line outside a walmart.

@UnalteredTruth: People making money off selling my old fridge I left on the curb, Or the college kids who took my old couch. I don't expect anything from them.

I consider everything on the internet to be public.

@Veratule: Sometimes my mind just doesn't want to think all that hard.

@tooji: I have yet to beat the first challenge LOL. I stink at it... I think I just want a basic RTS, nothing deep at all. Rock Paper Scissor and I will be happy.

@Gasaraki-: Aldi, Pricerite, walmart, etc.

AI on medium can kick my ass all day long.

If I can buy glass cleaner, dish soap, and hand soap for $1 and that includes the price of the bottle, pump, water, chemical, and shipping... shouldn't these replenish pods be $0.25 each?