
Played Alan Wake From Beginning to End in a Dark basement surrounded by my children. We all fell over backwards a few times.

@WampaCow: Paper and Pencil. Greatest 3D to 2D converter ever.

If I want a 3D image of someone or something. I will go stand and look at it/them.

@aceschultz: For me. Used games is the reason. I have never purchased a new PSP game. They are just not worth $30-$40 to me.

@Carlanga: Agreed. Emphasis On the "Might Consider" Considering I can't get used games for it. No matter the price it might be a waste to me.

So. I might sound a bit naive saying this, but I think Blizz and Valve are such down to earth companies this will probably end well.

Keep breaking the fourth wall. It has never affected me in any bad way what so ever.

@Cloral: Sorta like Zynga!

Ok I originally wanted to say

Meh, it's free. Just don't post private stuff, even in the most private depths. Don't do it.

@cuf115: Sniff I was hoping to do that with my 4890, but now i will have to hit ebay... 4890's have been mostly off the market for 4 months.

I have a feeling games won't be pushing video cards too hard until all the new systems are released.

@kitkatklub123: I usually do something similiar. Once a card comes out in the $150-$200 range that will double my current 'overall' FPS. then i grab a new card.. and usually that takes 2 generations.

I personally could care less about the towns... at face value anyways. But I think towns are one of those things that help create REAL memories in RPG's.

@KayRaid: *Everyone else responds*

@brent_w: No. I am just going WAY out on a limb and suggesting that they are giving away the free mew in an attempt to track down people with R4 devices and such.

Europe for $350 Sweet! that means it will probably/hopefully be $250-$300 here in the states... Sorry Europe.

I have to read up on Crysis 2. Xbox 360 couldn't touch the graphics in Crysis with a 30 foot pole held by a robot arm controlled via cell phone... yet Crysis 2 will be on the 360.

I have never played it, but I do know one thing. DoTA 3 won't be out till 2022.