
I hope the hackers continue to break each update.

You hear about how payperview used to track down who stole their signal?

VOTE: MagicDisc


Kia Spectra. 4-5 years old now. 70,000 miles. Purchased it with 7 miles on it right off the truck from the docks.

2006 Kia Rio for $9,000 No radio, just a book shelf. Roll up windows, stick, no power steering.. Something in me wanted it SOOO bad!

Just showed that movie to my kids this summer.

There is a kid in my old neighborhood who always had those Ford Excort ZX3s? he would always paint it green, and then a few month later it would be damaged, months pass and it would be fixed, the damaged again... this went on for 2-3 years. I went be there 3 years later and he still has those green ZX3's I will have

And the tires look to be fine! AA Heat rating for the WIN!

Doesn't he know?


Yeah, but my power plant is run on Coal... soo charging my Volt does not really reduce my footprint by much.. I believe coal is only 20% more efficient than gasoline.

And the ziplock wires should have curved breaks in the path to allow for longer wires to be wrapped, then added to the stack.

That's it I am moving to a new planet. If people are really like this then I quit this planet.

If it's some iPad rip off announcement I am going to disappointed.

@trunkenmath: My wife does not like or play any games. She has been willing once or twice to try LoTRO or WoW with me, but only wants hack and slash.

@elgrancule: OMG Forza 3 is amazing! But that's 360.

They teach this in drivers ed. Humans technically can't process all of the info and pay attention to everything they need to pay attention to.

@Nowell: The Store I shop at and Used to work at is EXTREMELY Salesman oriented. They have a lot of people who could sell an HD screen to a blind man, but not many who can actually change out the signs. Many of the associates on the floor wear shirt and ties instead of the usual polo.

@Alessar: They still have the Tabula Rasa, Age of Conan and Wrath of the Litch King Collectors Editions in my local EB... oh and i picked up 2 Vanguard CE's for $7 each!