
@LastSeatTrumpet: Agreed. So many times I have gone in found a product at a great price or good price. And when i get to checkout it is higher. I show them the shelf location and 1/2 the time they apologize and give it to me for the lower price, the other 1/2 they take down the price and say I have to pay full price.

Yeah Coke! *click* Yeah! *click* Boo *click* Yeah!

@Jedi924: My local Best buy still has copies of Tabula Rasa.

My Wife Used it and was hoping it would list the reasons why she should buy certain games. OR give her a quiz and give her recommendations.

OMG I made some decent money when I was 16 using that "all***"? something bar. they sent me like $50 a month for browsing the web.

OMG Netflix just spent the last 2 years ripping out Blockbusters spinal cord, and now they are flossing with it!

Hey there are gamers and other nerd types like us that complain about the reality of a scene in a game where the characters pull giant monsters out of crystals and shoot fireballs from their hands and survive explosions that destroy cities.

@HiroPro42: Agreed. My biggest pet peeve is tailgating. going 70mph on my bumper or from 300 ft away is still 70mph.

@HiroPro42: I am just pointing out something I see dozens of times a day. and once in a while I do it myself.

I used to do stupid things all the time. Thinking a but deeper i still do stupid things once in a while.

@valleyshrew: Agreed. But I think it's based on classic Japanese art styles.

@Reule: BTW I played the whole beta with Just my PS3 controller. Felt GREAT and natural.

Not that I want the game to fail.. No. But I hope it does badly enough initially to drop the price to $20-$30 by halloween. Then I want it to succeed! But not until after the price drops.

@Lemming: Hmmm. I disagree. I think their methods could ruin it.