
At the age of 8 year old. I tried to conceive what would nothing... look like. and I kept picturing space.. But space is not nothing.

@Avinant: Not a joke, just a comment, then i just clarified that it was a nice comment.

@tetracycloide: I specifically try not to be a jackass and this is what happens?

@PTyTHblu: No, I am not really good at all. I love RTS games and venture to say I have played more RTS games then any other Genre. But I suck at them.

@PTyTHblu: I'm Wierd then. I think I have played 20 online RTS battles ever. I am a Campaign ONLY player of ALL RTS games.

@tetracycloide: I know and when Halo 2 came out it was exactly like Halo 1, but with better graphics. Freakin Rip off if you ask me.

Neato! I like it, but I have not purchased an apple product in 4 years.. Sansa does more for less... Sorry Apple. I want your products, but... Money.

@reddogg: I think they have been shifting us over to the "Circle" = Yes, but back in the PS1 days I imported a lot of games.

@ILoveBurritos: Oh yeah! I remember cause I had a turbo controller at the time.. lol I just set it from "turbo" down to "fast" and I cheated through that just fine LOL.

@SapienChavez: Awesome! Love it! But don't you mean Mantis?

@origosis: Pardon the misspelling... I finally know what it means to use a cheap keyboard that can't handle fast typing.

Nobody wants to be first. If the banks just took $200 a moth on the mortgage from a home owner until they got a job back, then they would not be getting $0.00 a month when they foreclosed on him. Instead they would get a little trickle, take a little loss, then boom. back in business!

So Yard Sales and flea markets are all kinds of Cheating.

Showing pre-rendered ANYTHING for a commercial feels mis-leading anyways.

If they can get Cars to do barral roles, then i can't wait to see what they get motorcycles to do.

I hope I run into them at the coffee shops! I just got relocated to Providence! Starting Monday! Righteous, Righteous, Righteous!

I have 10 kids in my house on regular basis.. 1/2 of them from 6-17 can Destroy anyone at SF4T. the other 1/2 including myself couldn't beat the first stage on SF4T if our lives depended on it.

crap, that's over my head.

@rickster999: Dang You already made the joke. LOL